PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Purely guesswork on my part but I reckon we've cooperated with the PL more than we did with UEFA, but we've withheld info that we deem to be outside the scope of what they were entitled to ask for. Also, we've seen with the Everton case that non-cooperation accusations from the PL aren't always a slam dunk for them.

Based on Stefan's response it looks like you're right. I think we'd have a solid argument, if we win the big ticket items, to say why would we provide all this random additional information when we've already submitted our financial accounts and the other key evidence - we didn't deem it relevant to the charges. We'd have strong grounds if everything else has fallen away. I'd anticipate the PL have requested a hell of a lot if their starting point is in essence that we've committed fraud.
Purely guesswork on my part but I reckon we've cooperated with the PL more than we did with UEFA, but we've withheld info that we deem to be outside the scope of what they were entitled to ask for. Also, we've seen with the Everton case that non-cooperation accusations from the PL aren't always a slam dunk for them.

Please provide us with evidence you are guilty…. There isn’t any…. Failure to co-operate.
It's to do with the Etisalat transaction looked at by UEFA. He arranged payment of 30 million to MCFC on behalf of ADUG in respect of the sponsorship in advance of the receipt of the cash by ADUG from Etisalat. Etisalat later reimbursed ADUG.

Why did ADUG pay instead of Etisalat? Because the new contract with Etisalat stated Etisalat> ADUG> MCFC as the payment method.

Why did they pay in advance? Because the contract hadn't been signed and the parties were operating under a binding HoA. Etisalat, with their regulatory and statutory requirements, couldn't pay until the contract was signed.

It's all in the CAS award.
Is this the only thing regarding the Etisalat deal which was in the leaked emails? Surely if this has been explained at CAS, this part of the alleged breaches will be knocked off?
Is this the only thing regarding the Etisalat deal which was in the leaked emails? Surely if this has been explained at CAS, this part of the alleged breaches will be knocked off?

The CAS verdict was 2-1 with certain elements time barred (although still commented upon). You'd imagine the PL believed that perhaps going further back in time would help better establish that those deals were fraudulent and therefore make them stick.
Please provide us with evidence you are guilty…. There isn’t any…. Failure to co-operate.
I tried to explain to someone in a similar way, we think you are guilty of murder, can you provide us with the evidence to prove our case? No, right we are charging you with perverting the cause of justice as well as murder.

I think they understood it when I explained in this way.

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