PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I think the main issue here is not what the rags did it’s whether the rest of the clubs were made aware by the PL that they could also do the same? Or did they only tell the rags?

It seems pretty obvious to me that had the other clubs known they could, they would have. Why wouldn’t they?

Looks like preferential treatment to me.
Spot on.
They watch too many crime dramas sure corruption goes on all over the world but not the extent they think it does, any project given planning approval they are all over Facebook claiming "brown envelope" they don't understand process and legality and because they don't it must be corruption
A mate of mine is currently down the rabbit hole about Andy Burnham, claiming he’s knee deep in corruption. He keeps sharing social media posts on our WhatsApp group from what are usually far right accounts. I’ve told him to post his shitty conspiracy theories elsewhere. I think he’s getting a lot of it off Nick Buckley who he claims to be mates with. Now I’m no massive fan of Burnham myself but unless people can prove he’s up to something dodgy then they should shut the fuck up.
Same here - I sincerely hope that ever since that first UEFA accusation we have been 'acquiring' filth on all our detractors... fire with fire.
When our name is cleared I'm envisaging a scene like the end of the Godfather - Mansour sat there whilst everyone gets their come uppance!
Probably more like the film Munich. Done over time, no rushing but professional, effective and decisive. Bring it on!
Whilst the theory is interesting. Do you think perhaps the red cartel will push to reform the Premier League? Not as drastic as to what happened back in 1992, when we saw the creation of the Premier League.
When we do come out of this and clear our name, the cartel will want action of some sort. These clubs are more powerful and influential now than when they were back in 1992, by which I mean financially and with their global reach with social media.
As far as I'm aware the FA are yet to comment on anything to do with us (which I understand as they are the governing body and need to remain impartial) but again once we have cleared our name, they may need to step in and do something with the Premier League.
After all the Premier League will be at it's weakest. Investors, sponsors, broadcasters etc. will want answers and heads will roll.
It's all a big game of chess with everyone and when this goes our way I just have this gut feeling it'll be a win win for not just us as fans and a club but for a lot of others too.
When we emerge victorious from this hearing the red tops will want to take their ball home.

I guarantee some sort of breakaway league whisperings will start.

United are shit deep in debt and know that they can't take us on even when we've been fighting them with one hand tied behind our backs.

Liverpool won't want to go toe to to with us and splurge on big signings.

And Arsenal are just Arsenal.

Deep down they know that an innocent verdict for us will affect them more than it will effect City!

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