PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Everyone is kinda guessing what is happening. That’s what makes it a talking point on here, in the media, in the street, among most opposing fans. Guilty, not guilty, partly guilty, legal bills, punishments, and so on.
In the end some will be right guessing. Up until the first verdict at least.

What I state is as obvious as a bear shitting in a forest. And tbf watching the bear beats it imho.
Beyond reasonable doubt isn’t strictly the test anymore, it’s being ‘sure’, although it basically amounts to the same thing tbf.

A wise man once wrote balance of probabilities is 51%, beyond a reasonable doubt is 90-95% and balance of probabilities with particularly cogent evidence is in the middle, say around 65-75%.

What % wise he was is anybody's guess .....
That's a pretty easy one to answer, the clubs that make up the PL own the PL including City
The substantial legal costs of the PL to be paid by the 20 member clubs of the PL . The costs are staggering, so if the PL lose it and Masters become untenable. The PL are in a hopeless position MCFC know it and are going for the jugular.
If that 6 point deduction offer is true I’m amazed City didn’t take it. If we have say a 30% chance of relegation, given that even the most slam dunk of cases has only around a 70% chance of winning, why take the chance?
LOL. I hope that's an ironic reply. The prospect of relegation was never a serious option, more a piece of media sensationalism.

To be expelled from the PL, or suffer something like a 70 point deduction, we'd have to have committed a very serious, wide ranging and deliberate deception against the PL, UEFA, our auditor and our commercial partners. Quite simply, we haven't done that.

If we had I'd be very shocked and would have little sympathy for those who orchestrated that.

As I said, the very worst case scenario is that we'd be in a similar position to Everton, with the the IC finding that the bulk of the Etihad sponsorship was falsely included in our revenues. In that case we could be found to have exceeded the PL PSR maximum allowable loss by a similar sum when the figures for the impacted years were re-evaluated. I seriously doubt that's going to be the case though.
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If that 6 point deduction offer is true I’m amazed City didn’t take it. If we have say a 30% chance of relegation, given that even the most slam dunk of cases has only around a 70% chance of winning, why take the chance?
If that offer is true, don't you think it smacks of desperation and weakness by the PL given its so early in the process. And if City turned it down don't you think they firmly believe they have a very very strong case.
Let's remember that it's really only 3 substantive issues, not 115.

They'd be looking at a points deduction only if they felt our revenue was overstated, or expenses understated, to a point that we'd have failed PSR had they not been. That scenario would put us in the same sort of position as Everton.

The Mancini contract isn't enough to do that, plus there were no financial rules in place at the time as they were only introduced in 2013/14. I very much doubt Fordham would be enough to push us over as we're only talking about probably £13m a season.

So it's the Etihad contract, which we can only assume they're taking the same line as UEFA on, in that the majority wasn't paid by Etihad. But having looked at the figures, even if we're talking about Etihad etc being overstated by £60m a season, I'm dubious as to how we'd have failed the PL's profit and sustainability rules, which allow an aggregate loss of £105m over a 3-year period.

We reported an aggregate net profit of £7m over the first three years of the PL's rules. Adding back a minimum of £75m in allowable expenditure over those 3 years gives an adjusted net profit of over £80m meaning we'd have to have overstated our profit by £200m over those 3 years to have fallen foul of PSR enough to warrant a 6-point penalty.

Therefore you could potentially see the logic in the PL's offer of a 6-point deduction if they think we've significantly overstated sponsorship revenue. But we haven't done that, as CAS proved.
I thought the Etihad deal was £400m for 10 years (when it was signed) equating to £40m per year. Compared to the £60m you stated in your post above.
If that 6 point deduction offer is true I’m amazed City didn’t take it. If we have say a 30% chance of relegation, given that even the most slam dunk of cases has only around a 70% chance of winning, why take the chance?
You are joking? If we admit anything it’ll just keep happening. We already paid a fine to UEFA on that understanding. You surely can’t trust them when they say 6 points deduction would be the end of it? Don’t forget these are breaches of rules placed there to either stop us or for us to breach. I’d tell them to shove it right up their jacksi.
LOL. I hope that's an ironic reply. The prospect of relegation was never a serious option, more a piece of media sensationalism.

To be expelled from the PL, or suffer something like a 70 point deduction, we'd have to have committed a very serious, wide ranging and deliberate deception against the PL, UEFA, our auditor and our commercial partners. Quite simply, we haven't done that.

If we had them I'd be very shocked and would have little sympathy for those who orchestrated that.

As I said, the very worst case scenario is that we'd be in a similar position to Everton, with the the IC finding that the bulk of the Etihad sponsorship was falsely included in our revenues.In that case we could be found to have exceeded the PL PSR maximum allowable loss by a similar sum when the figures for the impacted years were re-evaluated. I seriously doubt that's going to be the case though.
I find my chest puffing out more and more with each of your posts PB.
Keep them coming, they're positively therapeutic compared with some of the fanny wipes on here trying to scaremonger with crass media snippets

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