PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I don't want to start another thread, but how will you feel and what will you do if we're cleared of these charges.

The length of time this has been going on and the extent of abuse and shite found in the media and social media alike, it's going to feel fucking amazing to be let off. I reckon a commemorative shirt and a bus parade are the least we could do to mark it.

City need to go full Paddy Power and take the absolute piss. 115 special edition merchandise. Claim it's celebrating an anniversary when it clearly isn't. Khaldoon and Pep sat next to Lord Pannick wearing the shirt and smoking cigars.
All down to the ground with industrial strength pyrotechnics, blue fares and smokies, Lord Pannick & Khaldoon face masks.

Horns baring down Deansgate.

Make it like a title win !!
My view is if the PL had any irrefutable evidence of wrong doing, this case would have been done by now any any punishment would have been meted out.
I don't think they believed they ever had a strong enough case. They have spun it out in order to create the maximum damage possible. And to that end they have succeeded.
The substantial legal costs of the PL to be paid by the 20 member clubs of the PL . The costs are staggering, so if the PL lose it and Masters become untenable. The PL are in a hopeless position MCFC know it and are going for the jugular.
They cannot say they weren't warned. Khaldoon told them that 30m would be spent to maintain our integrity if needed.
They didn't listen and now they are going to get it, both fucking barrels.
I hope Masters ends up sat on a box in an unfurnished flat above a Kebab shop, contemplating his very existence.
Strange that some are saying why didn’t we take the 6 point deduction ( if the rumours are true of a settlement) why would we want to take a settlement when we could possibly clear ourselves of everything,the settlement would only have the media narrative of we cheated and would continue to whip knuckle draggers up into a frenzy ..Yes you could say that would happen if we are cleared well I would rather be cleared and laugh at the cnuts than know we took a settlement meaning they will definitely say we are guilty..
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PB: I am very appreciative of your informed comments and positive outlook on this situation. I, also, remain optimistic about the outcome. I just wonder if, should the judgement go City’s way, that City may try to turn the tables and go for punitive damages against certain actors? Sorry if this has already been covered.
I simply couldn't say.

The club usually likes to keep things low-key but I'd like to think this has been the final straw for them. The Der Spiegel articles at least gave UEFA a reasonable basis for launching their investigation, which CAS agreed with.

But the ultimate failure of that, and the revoking of the 2-season ban, should have been the end. Given the outcome at CAS, it's hard not to characterise the PL's charges as an act of pure spite.
Strange that some are saying why didn’t we take the 6 point deduction ( if the rumours are true of a settlement) why would we want to take a settlement when we could possibly clear ourselves of everything,the settlement would only have the media narrative of we cheated and would continue to whip knuckle draggers up into a frenzy ..Yes you could say that would happen if we are cleared well I would rather be cleared and laugh at the cnuts than know we took a settlement meaning they will definitely say are guilty..
all very strange this 6 point business, certainly not enough to relegate us, infact it would hardly impact our season,recoverable over a two week period if other results went our way, ok it may have been 10 points if dished out at a hearing but still 10 is recoverable
Most cases don't have the political issue the PL has here - optically difficult for them to settle without City accepting wrongdoing which City are naturally reluctant to do. The parties really should have found a way to settle before the charges but likely too late now.

I’m guessing it must also be quite rare for one of the parties to be a stakeholder of the other and the direct competitor of every other stakeholder?

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