PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

That was a perfectly balanced article. On one hand showing how Manchester City may have broke the financial rules set in place that all the other teams rigorously adhere to and on the other hand showing how Manchester City may have broke the financial rules set in place that all other teams.....wait a second.

What a ****.
PL bosses employed via the exclusive meetings between the rags and dippers mate.

When you appoint a talentless, insipid, obsequious, nodding-dog yes-man because all you want is someone to slavishly do your bidding, don't be surprised when your nodding-dog wet wipe gets destroyed when he comes up against professional people.
Couldn't agree more. I'm thick skinned when it comes to opposition fans and shite articles, but I'm sick to fucking death of this 115 bollocks. It is a number that was deliberately inflated to make it seem so much worse. An actual deliberate move by the PL to grab headlines. The fucking abuse from the BBC, Sky and Talkshite (to be fair to Talkshite, at least they've had our guy on giving a balanced view and on quite a lot of occasions as well) has been fucking relentless. Every fucking achievement we've had has been tempered by 'we must not forget the 115 charges'. Every fucking time.

Now we have Blues who say just enjoy the success and ignore the cunts. I can do that, but only so far. It's now fucking boring. We'll never, ever lose this 115 tag. That's why it was decided to report it as 115 charges and not 5 or 6. They fucking knew what they were doing. Now we have the fucking Lefty Liberal cunts at the BBC lauding a fucking prosecuted hacker - typical fucking Left leaning organisation. Oh, and very interesting that he's hacked the two Arab owned clubs.

Anyway, if we get cleared I want the club to go on a fucking Tet Offensive against them all. Firstly ban that fat **** Schmeichel from the club. Then unless the BBC offer an apology ban them cunts for a season. Get in amongst all of the cunts. Then get after those red cunts Arsenal, Dippers and Rags - fucking expose the cunts.

Just fucking sick of it and the unbalanced reporting of the whole situation.
You need to get off the fence and tell us how you really feel. Just stop all this pussy footing around.
More than 20+ plus people agree with my sentiments so I`m more than happy with my feelings.
So you think nothing will happen if we are found guilty ?

You disagree with facts it’s a fact you can agree with the chairman and believe we are innocent and still think if found guilty we have big problems.

Accusations on this scale all proven mean relegation. Fraud conspiracy lying. Possible multi year points deductions being suggested

Who stays in the championship player staff sponsor wise ?

Will clubs sue us ? Apparently they cannot but Westham got sued over Tevez
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Don't waste your energy on these article. We know the score by now that any high profile match against a red team carries with it either a cult of writers that still live in the past or click baiting scummy papers that feed on people's feelings towards us.

The case is underway, and until I see the North Strand contractors walk away early or Scotland Yard and the FBI arrest Sorriano in the exec area during a match I'm feeling relaxed

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