PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

If only they could find a billionaire owner or a big Arab company to sponsor them
There is the the crux of the matter. These clubs that are crying foul don't have either of those benefactors so not only do they cast envious eyes at City they also use mass shithousery to smear our name with insinuations and allegations.

They were always quick to patronise us, pat lickle Citeh on the head and take the piss out of us week in, week out. Now we have gone on after the investment and not only caught up but have surpassed them and are no longer a joke but a serious threat to their entitled status within the Premier League and UEFA. They are shitting themselves that their gravy train has well and truly come to a shuddering halt and has very little chance of ever getting back on track again. So what do they do? They collude and conspire to damage the club by any means necessary. The threat not only has to be curtailed but destroyed as well.

The simple answer to those clubs is, adapt or die. Get better investors and don't blame us for your current shortcomings. It is a free market not the closed shop you are trying to make it into.
I disagree if we fall a division or 2
Players and sponsors will leave it will set us back many a year
That’s before clubs and people start suing us for whatever reason
It will take a long time to come back
If a points penalty is sufficient to relegate us then we go into the Championship. The commission have no more rights than that other than a nuclear option to expel the club then it would mean applying to join the football league. Clubs can't sue other clubs, unless it was deemed that as we are no longer members of the PL then the rule doesn't apply
So the tribunal are sitting on Saturday and Sunday if is tomorrow tribunal day 8!!! I hope Lord Pannick has negotiated time and a half for Saturday and double time for Sunday with an early finish so that they can all get to the pub to watch the game.
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Just noticed BBC running a story claiming Fulham Ladies stating they don’t believe Al Fyed interferes with any of their women. The interesting admission is the Ladies manager at the time wasn’t paid wages from Fulham FC but from Harrods. And the team itself went pro using funding direct from him too and went back to semi pro when he withdrew said funds. Not a mention tho from the BBC of a financial irregularity ffs
How many trophies have Fulham stopped the cartel clubs winning?
If you got £100 every time you said “banana” and £10 every time you said “orange” you would say banana all the time.

This is social media and increasing regular media.

That’s all it is. You won’t change it so try not to keep saying “OMG look what they have said now” that’s what they want. Look at the length of this thread for your answer.

Footy is very tribal and rival fans are desperate to see us found guilty. The media write what is popular not what is true. You must know this by now, why get triggered? All it does is feed them.

This is the World we live in and it’s shit.

It’s all bananas. It’s not meant to be fair any more.
Imre Varadi likes this.
So the tribunal are sitting on Saturday and Sunday if tomorrow tribunal day 8!!! I hope Lord Pannick has negotiated time and a half for Saturday and double time for Sunday with an early finish so that they can all get to the pub to watch the game.
It’s ridiculous isn’t it.

The media are just so desperate for clicks they will come up with any old shit.
Couldn't agree more. I'm thick skinned when it comes to opposition fans and shite articles, but I'm sick to fucking death of this 115 bollocks. It is a number that was deliberately inflated to make it seem so much worse. An actual deliberate move by the PL to grab headlines. The fucking abuse from the BBC, Sky and Talkshite (to be fair to Talkshite, at least they've had our guy on giving a balanced view and on quite a lot of occasions as well) has been fucking relentless. Every fucking achievement we've had has been tempered by 'we must not forget the 115 charges'. Every fucking time.

Now we have Blues who say just enjoy the success and ignore the cunts. I can do that, but only so far. It's now fucking boring. We'll never, ever lose this 115 tag. That's why it was decided to report it as 115 charges and not 5 or 6. They fucking knew what they were doing. Now we have the fucking Lefty Liberal cunts at the BBC lauding a fucking prosecuted hacker - typical fucking Left leaning organisation. Oh, and very interesting that he's hacked the two Arab owned clubs.

Anyway, if we get cleared I want the club to go on a fucking Tet Offensive against them all. Firstly ban that fat **** Schmeichel from the club. Then unless the BBC offer an apology ban them cunts for a season. Get in amongst all of the cunts. Then get after those red cunts Arsenal, Dippers and Rags - fucking expose the cunts.

Just fucking sick of it and the unbalanced reporting of the whole situation.
Are they cunts by any chance?
So the tribunal are sitting on Saturday and Sunday if tomorrow tribunal day 8!!! I hope Lord Pannick has negotiated time and a half for Saturday and double time for Sunday with an early finish so that they can all get to the pub to watch the game.
...and Pannick's oft-cited hourly rate has gone from £5K per hour to £10k now back down to £8K per hour. It's a useful barometer for how well the the PL and their supporters in the media think the hearing is going for them. When it goes up above £10K then I'll start believing we're golden.

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