PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Your point regarding the trend for written documentation has been brought into many sectors of business.
I have been retired for some time now but recently the people who pay my pension including my state pension are requiring written evidence that I am effectively still alive.
They ask for various documents, my signature on various statements and all countersigned by a lawyer / solicitor.
Exactly. This is a normal way of working nowadays. It would seem a bit ridiculous to go to the effort (and it's no small effort) to put all this in place and provide approved information in a required format only for the someone or some organisation to insist that we should only rely on the "he said, she said" of a bunch of emails.

I recieve and respond to emails on a routine basis. The number of emails where the author misrepresents what's actually happening in a real process is surprisingly high. Mainly due the fact they haven't read the steps and instead have relied on a brew room explanation to help them understand how it works....I exaggerate of course, but I hope the jist is there :)
I know you're not there to defend City. I know you're there to promote yourself. Absolutely no problem with that. In fact it makes your opinions even more valuable to people like me because it means your one of the few people worth listening to.

I'll stress, once again, my gratitude to people like you for sharing your expertise with us, but the fact remains the TS studio is not an environment you're able to thrive in. You are too measured, too polite, too slow to compete with those bastards.

Your strength is the written word and an environment where you have time to make your points to people who will give you a fair hearing.

My only concern is Manchester City, not your hurt feelings about being taken to the cleaners on national radio, yet again.

Fully braced for another thread ban for having the temerity to say anything negative about you, but I stand by the points I've made.
What you want and what he allowed to say may well be very different, we are blessed with one voice on a media where we are hated, that makes a lot of money out of that hate, it is a voice that likely would have been very short lived if you/me would have had our input. :)
Yes, generally happy. Not possible to deal with all his points in such a forum, on his show, with a host and a break coming up. I am only able to choose which points to deal with and how.

Do you debate by simply talking over someone?
I can be a little aggressive in arguments but not to the point of stopping the other person getting their points across.

I'd love you to go on Simon Jordan's podcast. I've seen some clips and in that more relaxed environment he does let his guest speak at length.

Has it ever been suggested?
Alas, Stefan can only get a certain number of points across in a certain amount of time. An hour-long podcast is usually the best bet because thorough explanations can be provided to questions posed by a host willing to listen. The problem is essentially that Stefan plays chess whilst Jordan and White play draughts. Fundamentally, Talksport listeners have the attention span of a lobotomised goldfish so Stefan just has to do what he can in such a limited space.
What you want and what he allowed to say may well be very different, we are blessed with one voice on a media where we are hated, that makes a lot of money out of that hate, it is a voice that likely would have been very short lived if you/me would have had our input. :)
I know it's a long game and SB's evidence based sane approach will ultimately carry the day, we hope, but it makes my blood boil listening to those cunts on TS.
There was one e-mail that Der Spiegel pulled out of their arse a couple of weeks after the CAS verdict didn’t go their way. They claim it proved that Simon Pearce lied on oath but from memory it was just in a similar vein to the e-mails that City successfully defended against at CAS. As such, @petrusha - who is a lot more qualified than me at assessing these things - dismissed it at the time as more re-hashed bollocks. And looking at it logically, if it truly was a smoking gun then why the fuck didn’t UEFA open a new investigation off the back of it? If Jordan is pinning his hopes on that then he’s a desperate fucker IMO.
If they, as you say pulled another email out of their arse, why didn't they submit this as evidence at CAS as you say. They are that desperate to see City as guilty they are grasping as many straws as they can.
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