PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Don’t watch the latest Overlap episode if you would like to avoid a head explosion. How they can legally get away with some of the stuff said on there is beyond me. You’ve got some daft scouse cow actually say “because you cheated”, no “alleged” in there nothing. We are also back to being “state-owned”, again, nobody there to correct that comment. It’s all an absolute fucking disgrace.

If the club have done what we are accused of, we will face the consequences (rightly so) but I feel like us fans have already done a 5+ year sentence on this despite it apparently being innocent until proven guilty. This is where the club have failed miserably and let us down. They should have been all over this from day 1…you call us guilty, you call us cheats…you’re getting a letter from our lawyers and if you continue, we will take everything you own. Instead we invite them into the club for press conferences, tea and biscuits.
I would never watch an episode of that if my life depended on it, so fear not.
I would never watch an episode of that if my life depended on it, so fear not.
It was hosted by Scholes and Carragher - you'd get a more impartial programme on how North Korea is the best country on earth hosted by Kim Jong-Un vs a Rag/Dipper duo giving their opinions on City.

I do prefer the usual Man City guy they have on there (the bald guy with a goatie) vs the guy they had on for that episode though as the usual guy holds his ground better vs the usual squealing Dipper girls.
The thing that makes me laugh about all this is all the know nowts from other clubs shouting, "It's not fair, City will just bribe and buy their way out of this!"
Think about it. There are very wealthy clubs who are being seriously harmed by our success. Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea and United. If you want you could throw in Spurs too and maybe the new upstarts Villa and Newcastle. So we have all these fuckers against us and we've seen how much influence they wield in the media as they have already won the propaganda war. That's how it's unfair from OUR perspective and shows just what we're up against.
I would never watch an episode of that if my life depended on it, so fear not.
They used to be competing for the top trophies in the game.

Now they go to arena's to listen to retired footballers talking about the time Roy Keane fought Peter Schmeichel in a hotel on an away trip.
At the heart of it is money, we've deprived the red cartel of what they think is rightly theirs. When Chelsea came along and dislodged one of the red arses from the champions league they went from 3 spots to 4 to accommodate them all. Mansour's arrival totally fucked them up hence 10 years litigation against our club
Just read on another forum a fan come on and saying that City report the highest match day revenue in the league, even more than United who have 20,000 more fans at their games.
Several people replied with the usual shite about us.

Googled our last set of accounts and Uniteds. Their match day revenue was almost double ours.

Amazing the amount of bullshit that's out there and is being believed.
I think LB is almost as daft as Jordan, when the PL charged City with a 115+ charges the consequences changed, he says nothing happens if the PL fails, but that is wrong, just like if the charges are upheld each charge has a cost, and as the charges multiply the cost multiplies. But as each charge fails the cost to the PL goes up as well. The judge that took the gagging order away only added to City`s costs, so there is a good chance that the cost to the PL already out weight their belief in their case. A good reason why the PL might be seeking settlement, but i doubt City will accept any guilt, not even a taint of it.

That's LB's daftest video by some distance, I enjoy his output but he was scrapping the barrel for clicks here.

He'd be well advised to quietly delete this nugget of nonsense, not because of censorship, but to spare his blushes.
Just read on another forum a fan come on and saying that City report the highest match day revenue in the league, even more than United who have 20,000 more fans at their games.
Several people replied with the usual shite about us.

Googled our last set of accounts and Uniteds. Their match day revenue was almost double ours.

Amazing the amount of bullshit that's out there and is being believed.
Why fact check when you can report myths as truths to suit your agenda?

The joys of the internet, I'm afraid.
The good thing is that The Overlap episode can be filed as Exhibit A in any potential court case about reputation damage in the future...
That's LB's daftest video by some distance, I enjoy his output but he was scrapping the barrel for clicks here.

He'd be well advised to quietly delete this nugget of nonsense, not because of censorship, but to spare his blushes.
I actually think he is looking for a new audience, seems he is looking at that knob Goldbridge and taking what he can use

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