PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Ok, so we seem to have conflicting info regarding where the case can go. @projectriver suggests it can’t go anywhere else other than the PL panel but others have said it can. This is the thing that concerns me, and I’m sure many other City fans, the most. I have zero faith in the PL panel being ‘independent’

Are you suggesting a panel of Phil Thompson, Daniel Levy and the GPC won’t be impartial?
I know people don't want to read a load of whataboutery but the fact is that pretty much every club in the league is able to operate in a frankly ludicrous transfer market through self sponsorship via shady gambling sites and other equally creative avenues.

It's a house of cards and that's exactly why this isn't going to go the way many people on the outside hope it will. Because, if it does, then it's going to set off a chain reaction of devastating economic ramifications for people who will do anything and everything to protect their pockets.
Nail impacts head
what is the point of just asserting stuff. The law is clear (as are the rules) that it would need to be "serious irregularity" causing "substantial injustice to the applicant." This is obviously a high bar, magical or otherwise.
well shafting us with irregularities and corruption within the panel is "serious" and thus crosses your high bar don't you think? stop being obtuse on the word "serious" again. no one is asking you if we can go to the court to dispute the meeting date and time are they?
If you handed punishments out to City, which may or may not involve relegation, you would be just meh about it?

His career and livelihood is a lot more important than what football team he supports. If this guy can’t deliver an impartial hearing and verdict his reputation will be in tatters. This guy will be walking a tight rope to deliver that.
Shirley They would wait for a full verdict it's allright buying now thinking city are gonna be found guilty. But what a few years down the line if we are not??
The ‘few years’ is what they are banking on, if they shift us out of the way, new regulator, new finance rules, and us trying to scramble up the ladder again, don’t be mistaken into thinking it will be as straightforward as last time, this is them pulling up the drawbridge again
100% this would NOT qualify as serious irregularity
yes that is correct because that is conjecture. most are not asking you about that though. they are asking you about irregularities in conduct of how the panel conducts the investigation and whether it follows its own rules of fairness.
well shafting us with irregularities and corruption within the panel is "serious" and thus crosses your high bar don't you think? stop being obtuse on the word "serious" again. no one is asking you if we can go to the court to dispute the meeting date and time are they?
Ok, if this is the level of debate, lets leave it there. It is not obtuse emphasising the word "serious" it is the key word - trivial allegations such as Rosen's football allegiance are irrelevant. There is no provable corruption I'd suggest. But yes if there is corruption, we can take it to court. Happy now?
im on page 682, this is a very fast moving thread, a pretty important and serious thread,and we've got loads of comments about a made up fixture list, its hard enough to keep up without that bullshit littering the thread.
Agree, but unavoidable unfortunately. I cannot wait for the post detailing the evidence against us and where it was obtained from to appear on here. I don't know when that will be, but it really is the 64 million dollar question atm.

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