PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I rekon if we get found guilty I think the super league will rear its head again and this time I'd probably back it, its amazing that they're charging us for financial breaches there just out to get us and the premier league are so corrupt
What about the reverse?
What if PL lose and we win it would this ruin PL when again Superleague would rise from the ashes.?
Will we hear anything from auditors sponsors investors etc. so we can sleep more easily whilst the club keeps its council ?

When the CAS thing happened I think Puma came out and said they were happy with what the club has said to them and their willingness to prove the clubs innocence. I imagine we will see statements from sponsors and partners in the coming weeks.
No. Auditors would say they were also misled if that case was proved.
You mentioned in the podcast about auditors being mislead. Does this necessarily have to be the case? If Mancini is paid x amount by Man City and x amount by a third party in a different jurisdiction, then what has that got to do with auditors in the UK looking at Man City's books?

That is against PL and UEFA rules but it isn't against UK law, I see no reason why auditors need to be brought into the conversation.

I could see a situation where that is concerning for investors, if they are led to believe X amount is coming from business A but that figure is artificial then that is a problem, but again not necessarily for auditors.
We don't know the details yet, but there is a distinct possibility that they are charging us because they don't have information because we've withheld it. One of the things CAS said was that they believed it wouldn't have got to them if we'd cooperated in the first place.
There is a problem with arguments about co-operation. PLrules they can ask for any document verbal evidence etc etc. But what happens when a document has been shredded years ago?
In the EUFA. case we told them several times that we didn’t have what they wanted.
Also we provided a dossier that we said had all the evidence needed to clear us. Leterme said he wouldn’t bother reading it. What is non co-operation, exactly?
I’m not one to usually post on forums, in fact this is actually the first time, but with everything that has transpired over the past few days coupled with the flagrant arrogance of football ‘fans’ i’ve felt compelled to respond.

I won’t go down the road of emphasising the misery it brought me at school, although relevant it’s hardly exclusive, but what I will focus on are the sheer levels of hypocrisy that are emerging, hypocrisy that we all knew existed but couldn’t truly demonstrate because one club was state owned (originally) and another was bankrolled by a horrendous group of incestuous yank capitalists.

During the past decade Manchester City have produced the best football ever witnessed, scored the most goals and essentially made a mockery of an English pyramid headed by two teams in Red, both dominant in respective decades due to the majority of investment and all the perks that it brings - better players, trophies, more fans - similar to ourselves although we still can’t sell out our stadium allegedly (heard some ball bag on the radio the other night claim we only get 30,000) but we’ve never been truly allowed to appreciate it.

Certainly amongst ourselves we have rejoiced: QPR, Villa, Leicester, Liverpool, United etc but there’s never been a moment where we’ve not had to suffer the ignominy of a loutish fat tosser down the boozer who so flippantly decries our achievements as being tinged with falsities, arab money, financial tampering, inflated sponsors (words he can’t even spell let alone understand) or; when faced with some facts that he struggles to dispute, barks treble or twenty times in our face like a petulant child, remnants of last night’s dinner still smeared around their mouth, before slinking off with their fellow minions, fortified by the fact that we’re yet to win the champions league.

Dealing with people like this is allegedly part and parcel of the sport, working class ribbing and ‘friendly banter’ to be expected amongst rival fans… except that it’s not, it’s tiresome, absorbing and ultimately annoying to the extent that it has literally sucks the fun out of it all, a bitterness echoing loudly in the streets, on social media, on whatsapp, in the boozers and at work, fully grown men and women focusing their jealously through petty barbs, goading people into responding to try and deflect their own pettiness and insecurities.

I’ve maintained for a long time that there are no truly decent rags and I’d like to think that over the past few days that any lingering doubts people have had to the contrary have been extinguished. Having to listen to people try to explain something to me that they know even less about than I do is tiring enough but when you’re also faced with a bombardment of populist media shills and ex-players, let alone the very organisation that your football has done so much enhance the brand of, then I could be forgiven for giving up and just accepting the inevitable.

But then the final piece of the jigsaw fell into place and all the ‘coincidences’, the collusion and corruption finally jumped right out and smacked me in the face… Qatari investment. All the false sentiments and morality, the things we’d known for so long that were simple mechanisms to try to mask their spite finally shone through. I mean, we should have known it was coming when the media tried to condition the public into believing that it was because of City and Newcastle that clubs like Liverpool and United had no choice but to seek state investment, as though they were forced into it.

Make no mistake the timing of Monday’s announcement, the delay to the Independent Regulator, the two week window it potentially gives the Qatari’s to meet the Glazer’s deadline, displace the Governments dependence on one State’s finances by shifting it another - may sound a tad too conspiratorial but can anyone truly pretend they don’t agree?

If the above goes through, which it most probably will, all the murmurs of human rights violations will disappear, vanish as though they never existed and the truth will present itself because all this has ever been about is no longer being the best… like the most popular child at school suddenly losing his grip on his peers, the only way to try to regain that is through manipulation and lies.

Personally I believe we’ll prove our innocence but on the back of this it’ll instil a whole new level of tribalism and toxicity and so we must never forget the way we’ve been treated. Never pretend that this was okay and never lose sight of the fact that we were there when we were shit! MCFC. x
The more I think of it.. the more I think relegation would be off the cards (and stripping titles)

City has Pep and Haaland, two of the biggest stars and attractions in world football, playing in the Premier League. City has rivalries with United and Liverpool, big for TV deals views.
TV companies paying for the Premier League product wont be happy losing City, Haaland et al.

City owners have pumped millions into the UK economy, the UK Government wont take kindly to them being fucked over.

Stripping titles leaves open the chance for lawsuits from clubs who were relegated or missed out on money from previous wins/champions league.

£100 M Fine, 15 points deduction and 2 Transfer window bans (after Summer). I think most would accept that?
Not a fucking chance .
How about sending them bill with 80k per day one lawyer fees including percent , defamation ,loss of sponsorship, damages to image rights etc ?
Another thought is what would be the impact to the UK government and locally Manchester if Abu Dhabi pulled out of all investments and loans etc, due to the treatment of them as City owners
Can’t see that happening, they are making too much money from the development portfolio.

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