PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Unfortunately, regardless of any investigation and legal outcome, I fear that the reputational damage is done. City will forever be synonymous with financial impropriety.

That being the case, in the position of His Highness Sheikh Mansour, I would be moving to tear down the Premier League to the point that those responsible are forever synonymous with institutionalised corruption, criminality and incompetence.

They should be utterly destroyed.
First day back in the office, spoke to fans of various clubs, Everton and Arsenal etc yes in Manchester…no one I have spoken to has much of a bad word for City, now that could be they don’t want to upset a FOC but it’s more they can see what’s happening at Chelsea, £1.5B debt written off, splurged £600m in transfer fees in the
last six months. Probably more people than you think, are of the opinion this is a shabby stitch up.

So to take a slightly different perspective, harking back to when this circus all started:

The £3m we failed UEFA FFP for is a paltry 0.5% of what Chelsea have just spent, or 0.14% if you include the write off of their debt as well.

It really does make you wonder!
I don’t think they’ll strip our titles. How can they. It will kick off a massive shitstorm.

However we may have to accept an asterisk * next to the title wins if we get found guilty. I could probably live with that as we’d still officially be champions.
Damn it's like switching on the lights and all the moths come towards it.
Well I have turned over a new leaf, I usually try to explain why opposition fans are wrong or believing false press narratives. But I just called one a bin dipper, told him to fuck off and blocked him on twitter. Be doing this in real life now too. If I lose a few so called mates, fuck em. CTID
All you have to say to any dippers we may get relegated but it dosent come close to murdering 39 Italians...
I don’t see why we can’t get Mansour to call all our related 3rd parties and get them to show a paper trail. Change the dates and numerical entries to match up with what we are reporting! After all the premier can’t ask for that info off said 3rd party and bingo it’s all over. Only joking, no need for the auditors to answer back.

need some humour to get through this shit -:)
I was thinking that myself. What triggered the Premier League to investigate us after we won at C A S . It must have been a complaint from other clubs. If the Premier League rules state all clubs have to comply with F.F.P. then why haven't all the clubs that have breached F.F.P. been investigated as they have clearly breached the Premier League rules. There are more than the Scouse gits. These clubs were found guilty and no action was taken as they weren't in European competition at that time.
City should make a formal complaint and demand these clubs be charged for breaking the same rules as they allege we have. Let them get out of that one.
I think they announced their investigation at the same time(the investigation lasted 4-5years). The reason both UEFA and PL were able to launch one was that the email leaks were of public interest. They need a valid reason to launch an investigation. They had one with the hacking scandal and maybe with the failing FFP and the Stanley Park business. They didn't and they wouldn't no matter what excuse they've found to justify it. They would never go after the big sly 3.

To quote the scousers and Carragher: "Why would they be worried about that, so what if the investigation was specifically for scouting data. Cooperate and let them have unlimited access to the clubs accounts, confidential data, emails and such and see what else they can find(fishing expedition). I yer innocent, you shouldn't be worried. ;)" Isn't that one of the most stupid and naive arguments they trot out btw?
This feels like it has some kind of kangaroo court all over it.

Similar vibes to the UEFA adjudicatory chamber who found us guilty prior to CAS.

Except this time we don't appear to have anywhere to turn, if the courts ultimately aren't an option.

So we have to hope for a fairer panel than what UEFA brought, but ultimately it doesn't seem to matter how right we may be and how 'fair' we might have acted, if the panel are heavily influenced and have their minds made up prior to a hearing then where do we turn?

A complete sham.
As others have said this is much bigger because they are saying we committed financial fraud for nine years, as PR said that’s huge!
If they decide we are fraudsters then I am sure that’s where we go nuclear out of necessity. Some who know better than me say legal action is not an option but to be found guilty of fraud over such a period is off the scale. They have entered uncharted waters and could be it blows up in their faces. Let’s hope so.
If this really could take up to 4 years as reported today I’m trying to put it at the back of my mind. Not spending the next 4 years worrying about something that probably won’t even happen!!
I don’t see why we can’t get Mansour to call all our related 3rd parties and get them to show a paper trail. Change the dates and numerical entries to match up with what we are reporting! After all the premier can’t ask for that info off said 3rd party and bingo it’s all over. Only joking, no need for the auditors to answer back.

need some humour to get through this shit -:)
You're joking, but that's basically what we did for CAS. Third parties also released their audits, books and reports and they matched ours.

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