PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Has this been posted yet?

Thought it was really good summary

This is a very good video and well worth a watch. After viewing it i'm increasingly confident we will be fine.

The PL chargers are so serious and damning that to prove them would mean the PL having to clearly demonstrate a coordinated campaign spanning almost a decade by City requiring a multi-lateral deception of many companies, sponsors, accountants auditors, players, coaches and other individuals with a connection to the football club.

That there has been no whistleblower or concrete suggestion of any malpractice other than the discredited Der Spiegel emails leads one to the only common sense conclusion. The accusations are false.

Heck they even tried to get Yaya's agent to stick the boot in and he couldn't think of anything damning to say
Why would we not have given it to them yet though?
Why should we, when we feel we have done no wrong,
Why not let the big ship try to sink itself?.
I maybe and probably am way of coarse, it was just a thought
Sounds like you think we're guilty

I think there's a fairly good chance we did what was described. It's not impossible they didn't, but if the club genuinely did none of the things they're accused of they could have ended these investigations much sooner and spared themselves a lot of reputational damage and stress. At best they're living in gray areas and blurring the lines between what's allowed and not and gambling they'll get away with it.

But I didn't think UEFA could prove it and I don't know how the PL expect to either.
I can't make sense of this timeline either. It seems to have arisen in people's minds in the mistaken belief that this matter could be contested through the courts and/or that because the investigation took years, the adjudication will as well neither of which is right.

That said, while I haven't read all of the stuff on this thread, I don't recall seeing anyone picking up on what I find a bit strange in the City statement:

“The Club welcomes the review of this matter by an independent Commission, to impartially consider the comprehensive body of irrefutable evidence that exists in support of its position".

What and where is this body of irrefutable evidence? Is this something that the PL have and which they don't think is irrefutable so they've proceeded with the charges? Or is it other evidence that City possess but have not provided to the PL but maybe were going to do if the apparently sudden decision to publicise the charges hadn't pre-empted it? If I recall City have a bit of form during the CAS thing where I got the impression they weren't exactly as forthcoming with information as they might have been (maybe because of tactics) and is the same thing happening here?

I also have a recollection (perhaps wrong) that City made mention of "irrefutable evidence" in the CAS case. Not sure if anyone remembers this?
Maybe the reason City were still fined by CAS for not cooperating with UEFA gives you the answer. Perhaps if City had co-operated and provided the comprehensive body of irrefutable evidence to UEFA at the outset, no case would have been required and no ones time would have been wasted?

Perhaps City wanted their day in court and still do now
It’s been three days since the PL charges and I’m already finding the whole thing pretty draining. Not spending the next three years (potentially) fretting until a judgement is actually made. Fuck that! It’s no good for my mental health for a start. Just want to get back to enjoying football, or at least trying to, again.

Still think that we’ll ultimately prevail again, as at CAS, and that talk of relegation, losing titles etc is fanciful. Fans of other clubs and certain journalists are getting giddy, and things seem grim at the moment, but the story will drift away in the minds of most over the coming weeks and months.

With no immediate threat to the club’s future, I hope we go absolutely balls out in the coming transfer windows and add more trophies to our cabinet. Demonstrate that we’re not going away anytime soon, despite what they wish.
Agreed Ric. Fingers crossed. And as far as mental health is concerned, it’s knocked mine to a record low this week. Genuinely impacts it.
Sadly I agree with you. If you're a top player will you seriously want to come to us ? It's like we will now be known forever as the cheats. We are tarnished.

If we win this case I sincerely hope City sue the PL big time over our reputation being badly tarnished, so badly leading to all sorts of problems in the future.
Nonsense, they won't care less.
I know it seems far fetched over a game of football but it genuinely does affect my mental state . Last few days waking up and the first thing on my mind is this fiasco . I just have a constant numb feeling over it . I just want to enjoy the football on the pitch .
I’ve avoided all social media platforms and have only been on the Bluemoon Forum. I hate the Prem league that much i can’t stomach watching any other games (like last night for instance ) all my effort is just watching the blues . Very sad state of affairs but I’ll never stop watching City or else they really have won and we should never forget that !
I actually watched the rags last night and normally I’d be celebrating any goal against them and Leeds got two! I actually sat there and thought what’s the point in getting giddy. It’s already decided for the most part, like they are just going through the motions. Me getting giddy means diddly because the powers that be already know what they want the outcome to be. I actually sat there numb to it all thinking fuck this I’m not interested.
Surely soon as well. I know it's not court, but can you imagine an accused person only finding out last minute or when they turn up for trial specifically what they're alleged to have done wrong? The defence should know exactly what the prosecution are going to present and the angle they will take.
Any trial/process under Civil Law is based on the principles equity and natural justice and there are 5 pillars of natural justice.
The 5 pillars of natural justice basically your rights, are; Notification (of charges), Preparation (time to prepare), Representation (in this case Lord Pannick KC), Presentation (present your case) and Appeal (if unhappy with the outcome).
You would have to notify someone in advance of the charges - ergo you couldn't turn up on the day with fresh charges.
Simon Jordan was mega critical of Qatar, when he was out there for the World cup he was rubbing shoulders with the Sheikhs, on his return he appears to have done a road to Damascus. Perhaps there might be something in it for him.
He's earning a living.

Perhaps learning that his opposing views on different continents may individually make him money.

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