PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Don't think anyone can know for sure either way to be honest. Especially as they can be pretty certain of hedging their bets with a big non coperation fine.

In the same way we can't know for sure Khaldoon didn't slyly bribe the PL to accuse us of 100+ breaches just to see how people on BM would react.

It just makes no sense, therefore safe to say it is almost certainly not that, even without outright knowing so.
Something I have been thinking is that either way this would need to be resolved as quickly as possible, as just having these allegations hanging over us for years would be detrimental to the club.

Either the club have been fiddling numbers in which case we deserve to get fucked or they cant back up their claims and charges are dropped?

You surely cant just make up serious public charges without having the evidence to convict on it immediately? Wasnt the whole point of the 4 year investigation to gather this information, either they have bullet proof evidence or they dont, they dont now spend another 4 years having to argue while the accused sits in limbo?
Do you think there is anything new out there that the premier league have on the accounts that wasn’t there as evidence when City went to CAS? City have obviously said there’s the published account you find the wrongs in there and we are giving you nothing else, hence why the non compliance charges come in.

If it’s no new evidence and there is nothing to link ins and outs to any wrong doing, isn’t what they are trying to hang on City opinion that they’ve done wrong rather than cold hard evidence?
Probably they think the time barred stuff wasn't looked at by CAS and they can make their case from that, what they won't know though is what we have for our defence and evidence to counter the time barred offences, because we never needed to present it. The statement from the club sounds to me like they are quite keen to get a chance to present that evidence and they are confident it will clear our name.
Mistakes? In order for City to have done what the Prem has charged they are basically a corrupt organization from top to bottom willfully running a quasi-criminal enterprise for the better part of FIFTEEN years while conspiring with or defrauding an entire sub industry including investors (Spring Lake), auditors, players, managers, agents, officials, supporters and whoever else. Not buying it. This is a matter of intentional extreme overkill by the Prem in the hopes that something or other might stick while at the same time attempting to hinder our ability to succeed on the pitch and in the transfer market. I'm past opinions. This is the reality for anyone with the slightest bit of savvy of how the wheels go round and round. Are you sitting there and watching...
Yeah, I’m working on the idea that the PL saw that the CAS ruling did not destroy UEFA, so a copy of that case with what seems to be the same evidence, won’t destroy them either.
Their preferred outcome is simply more reputational damage to City, and more nonsense about how we ‘got away with it’ on technicalities and the fact we could hire the best lawyers.
The lawyer thing is interesting though. Any fan of any club would agree that if you want to win trophies and leagues you hire the best, and usually most expensive players, so why hiring the best and most expensive lawyers to win a trial/investigation which could ruin your club is suspicious is beyond me.
Not entirely true. There

Hopefully. Time will tell.

It is daft to think they have nothing. No matter how well a young lad puts it across in his bedroom, on youtube. They either have something, or they have enough to think they have something, or enough to think that this panel might see it differently to the cas panel. Otherwise we wouldn't be here.

They opened the investigation the same time as UEFA, no? I suppose they could have closed it after CAS, but I guess they were put under pressure to test the time-barred elements and one or two other things they don't like / understand in the hope something sticks. I doubt it will.
Probably they think the time barred stuff wasn't looked at by CAS and they can make their case from that, what they won't know though is what we have for our defence and evidence to counter the time barred offences, because we never needed to present it. The statement from the club sounds to me like they are quite keen to get a chance to present that evidence and they are confident it will clear our name.
What he said.
£10 Billion investment into our skint economy and the PL basically accuse senior Members of the investors Royal family and government of being dishonest and underhand.. would this not lead to potential criminal charges and a diplomatic issue and the 10 Bill off the table?? Am genuinely confused at just what the PL hope to gain.
Will we have that shit hot woman that took the cas case on when pannick was double booked or something ? Forget her name , her on the team would be brilliant
Monica. The lovely Monica. The way she and Pannick worked was that they sat down, agreed a strategy and the lines to be followed and she presented our case. Pannick kept a watching brief. I expect the same style this time. Pannick will not appear before the tribunal, but the new KC will present our case.
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£10 Billion investment into our skint economy and the PL basically accuse senior Members of the investors Royal family and government of being dishonest and underhand.. would this not lead to potential criminal charges and a diplomatic issue and the 10 Bill off the table?? Am genuinely confused at just what the PL hope to gain.
To gain the middle of the bed in between the rags and the dippers
£10 Billion investment into our skint economy and the PL basically accuse senior Members of the investors Royal family and government of being dishonest and underhand.. would this not lead to potential criminal charges and a diplomatic issue and the 10 Bill off the table?? Am genuinely confused at just what the PL hope to gain.
They hope to placate the hysterical redshirts.

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