PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

This is why the prem has it up them government pushing for an independent regulator and sports media culture secretary pushing for it to be quickly implemented after announcement in kings speech


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This maybe of interest to some of you.
It’s a good video if you ignore the delusional dipper.
Represented well by the 2 Blues.
There are 2 points I wish they’d have pushed home.
Firstly the dipper saying all our main sponsors are funding ourselves because all of Abu Dhabi businesses are all owned by the state.
No idea if that’s true but it’s irrelevant cos WE’RE NOT STATE OWNED!
He also says “you can’t sponsor yourselves”
Yes you fucking can it’s called ‘related party’ you bellend.
Mike Ashley sponsored his own stadium with his own company ‘Sports Direct’
The second thing they should’ve picked up on is when he says “yes I admit we hacked your database and we were found guilty”
No you wasn’t, you paid your way out of it and the premier league did absolutely fuck all.
Other than that it’s a good watch from both sides.
Watch if you want, I’m just putting it here to give you the option : )

Julian Clary's a bluenose?
If City were relegated or titles taken away. What would be the consequences and would our owners take some form of drastic action? I can not help thinking the consequences, might be a lot more seismic than people imagine.
Give your fanny a wipe. The fucking state of this thread since Everton got done is embarrassing.
We have just posted the best set of accounts in the history of football..

We are currently the holders of the CL, PL and FA cups..

Treble winners
Back to back to back PL winners ..

We are the current European Super Cup holders..

We are preparing to play in the Club World Cup, representing not only the English PL but all of European football..

The Etihad is currently being extended and along with the near completed co-op arena, construction is commencing on a state of the art hotel and hospitality complex which will bring in £millions of extra revenue year in year out going forward..

Really, can anyone who has an ounce of sense really think that our owners, since 2008, would invest, not only in the club, training facilities and stadium infrastructure but a huge part of East Manchester if they were to one day find themselves about to be found out that all along they had been cooking the books, bribing auditors and shareholders for over a decade..

Bringing shame on themselves, runing their reputations, being hugely fined, having records expunged and fkin relegated to the back of beyond

In relation to the 115 charges the PL have cobbled together and dumped on us, it's been said time and time again by the senior guys at our club that all these changes are wholly and completely bollocks and that we have irrefutable evidence to back up our innocence once and for all..

It's now up to the PL to make their next move and I for one cannot wait because they know their going to get it fkin big style from us..

It's taking a fkin age because the PL are hamstrung and have backed themselves into a very big, dark corner..

If they have the evidence to convict us, let's see it, you've had 4 years to pull it together, stop pussyfooting around, get it on the fkin table..

We should sue the PL's fkin arse off for the reputational damage they've inflicted on our great club, I fkin would if it was my decision to make..

Btw, not once has any of the slimy fcukers in the media run with this.

I cannot recall any of the sycophantic twats pulling for us, not one..

Well you knobs, all getting giddy thinking we're next, you are going to be in for such a fkin monumental shock when we come out of this, still top of the league and still winning stuff..

When this is finally put to bed, I sincerely hope City mark all your fkin cards and do the right thing and fcuk the lot of you right off when you turn up at the Etihad with your collars turned up and your hoods pulled over your heads, doing your upmost to cover your pasty faces..

A bigger bunch of gutless cnuts you'd be hard pressed to top..!
Simple fact is the Rags and Dippers dont like it up 'em , we have been smashing then for over a decade and they are trying every off field option they have , putting pressure on the Premier league and influencing our Yank owned media , it has been incessant for years. But what has it actually achieved ? it has only galvanised our owners , management , players and supporters , the more shite is thrown at us the more we raise the level.
Little angry plastic Dippers and Rags penning their hate on social media is like water off a ducks back , none of them have endured the hardships we have witnessed over the years , snotty nosed scroats smashing thier keyboard late into the night is now just comedic value.
Not been on RAWK for years until someone mentioned it on here yesterday , and i had a quick look , what a bunch of weirdo conspiracy theorists , we really have f*cked their lives up.

It's really got to them that those Eleven Idiots Dreaming of Success have actually been more successful than them!

What could be better than United (or the red cartel)?



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