PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

You are of course are absolutely correct and it's a position I often take with people that claim we are "cheats".
But we cannot use that as a defence. Having not challenged the premise of FFP at its inception we agreed to abide by it. We can't be a member of the premier league and arbitrary decide which rules we will and won't follow.
most of charges before FFP was dreamt up by Gill their just trying to back date them
If we are guilt of all of the most serious charges then we are guilt of cooking the books and it would also be criminal. Not that I believe any of it in fact I am not even sure the Premier League believe we have done what they are alleging if they did they would have referred it to the NCA and HMRC

Breaching the PL rules is the only thing for which the PL can find the club guilty. Once again, this isn't a criminal court. I am well aware that the implication would be that some sort of criminal activity may have taken place, but, from what we know, no relevant authority would be touching this case with a bargepole, imho. And that is one of the reasons why, again imho, the IP isn't finding in favour of the PL on the most serious charges (the other reasons are evidential and financial) and, even if it did, Newton (ADUG) and the board wouldn't let it rest there.
Breaching the PL rules is the only thing for which the PL can find the club guilty. Once again, this isn't a criminal court. I am well aware that the implication would be that some sort of criminal activity may have taken place, but, from what we know, no relevant authority would be touching this case with a bargepole, imho. And that is one of the reasons why, again imho, the IP isn't finding in favour of the PL on the most serious charges (the other reasons are evidential and financial) and, even if it did, Newton (ADUG) and the board wouldn't let it rest there.
And they can't find us guilty on probability.
However they dress it up,any guilty verdict other than on non cooperation, is suggesting fraud.
Do you think that City would accept that and take whatever punishment they dish out ?
I don't.
And they can't find us guilty on probability.
However they dress it up,any guilty verdict other than on non cooperation, is suggesting fraud.
Do you think that City would accept that and take whatever punishment they dish out ?
I don't.

They can find the most serious charges proven on the basis of probability, but, bearing in mind the seriousness of the charges, the "existential" nature of mooted punishments and the reputational damage to the club, its directors and its owner, the evidence would have to be particularly cogent, almost insofar, imho, as a "beyond all reasonable doubt" verdict. I doubt very much they have anywhere near that level of evidence.

Which is why I added, that even if the IP did find the most serious charges proven (without such evidence), the club wouldn't let it rest there.
Dont worry we know exactly who "they" are, if you think you are being targeted now just wait until you win something. They know exactly what they want.

Just as an aside, im interested to know, has the opinion of Newcastle fans about us changed since your takeover and now you can see some if the games the Cartel play?
Can't speak for all Newcastle fans, but the ones I know always had a soft spot for Man City probably because of our tete a tetes with Man Utd in the 90s. When you won the lottery we were happy for you, you'd shake up the established elite and for a team with history and a good fanbase to get back among the big boys was a blessed relief after Chelsea's rise.

Not going to lie, there was a little jealousy when we were at our nadir under Ashley and you were hoovering up the best managers, players, and trophies galore. Now that we've got our new owners there's a sense of being in the same boat; the established teams trying their damndest to shut the door on us, the conversations about sportswashing, people seeing corruption and cheating where in reality it's just good football people making good football decisions. Just need to start getting those trophies.

Always have a good laugh with you lot, more so than fans of the other 'big clubs'. There isn't the entitlement, the arrogance. There might be amongst some of your newer fans, but the blokes I've chatted to are decent. Any time I've spoken to Man City fans they remember where they were before the takeover, watching your team lose to Stockport County and shit like that. It helps that your manager is likeable, that you play entertaining football and your players aren't... (I dunno what the profanity filter is like on here so insert your favourite pejorative here).
I can only tell you who I pay attention to. On the legal side: @projectriver, @petrusha, @Chris in London. I have annoyed each of these with my questions over the last ten months and they have been as gracious as you can expect any lawyer to be :). On the financial side: @Prestwich_Blue, of course.

I feel I have added occasionally to the debate on the financial side and others have also contributed useful information, of course. Apologies to anyone if they feel they have been left out. And feel free to add anyone else you think has been useful.

If you would like, I could try to summarise the breaches from each of the handbooks. Sometimes it is obvious which breaches in each year are, effectively, the same. Sometimes less so, of course.
Thank you. It would help to summarise but I wouldn't want to cause you lots of work.
As a Newcastle fan these new rules they're* trying to push through are hilarious and so fucking transparent. We've abided by FFP, we've got a stack of new 'fair market value' commercial deals, and now here's some new hurdles. The established cartel are bricking it that we'll usurp them.

We can't loan a player from the Saudi league, but literally every other club in the league can? That seems totally fair. Will it stop Chelsea hoovering up young players from their feeder clubs, or Man Utd, or Liverpool? Course it won't.

We can't get a sponsor unless we've got similarly valued bids from other companies? Has that been the case for Man Utd's official tractor partner? Were there multiple tractor companies all offering up partnership deals for the same price? Was there shite.

We've not spent anything like the money Chelsea and Man Utd have, and yet we're still above them, still playing better football, still fielding the likes of Jamall Lascelles and Jacob fucking Murphy. This is all because they're scared their time at the top is coming to an end, they're trying to pull the drawbridge up behind them.

*by "they" I mean Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Man Utd and Spurs.
It isnt really the shit from the powers in the league, the FA, the PL, the red clubs, its the way the media have been used by those powers that really gets to me.

I cant wait for the charges to be sorted once and for all and then hopefully so will some of these journos who have made it a personal campaign to ruin my club. Ruin my enjoyment and ruin the success we've had.
Having not challenged the premise of FFP at its inception we agreed to abide by it. We can't be a member of the premier league and arbitrary decide which rules we will and won't follow.

We voted against its inception. What options do you think we had once a very slim majority of clubs voted it in ?
Can't speak for all Newcastle fans, but the ones I know always had a soft spot for Man City probably because of our tete a tetes with Man Utd in the 90s. When you won the lottery we were happy for you, you'd shake up the established elite and for a team with history and a good fanbase to get back among the big boys was a blessed relief after Chelsea's rise.

Not going to lie, there was a little jealousy when we were at our nadir under Ashley and you were hoovering up the best managers, players, and trophies galore. Now that we've got our new owners there's a sense of being in the same boat; the established teams trying their damndest to shut the door on us, the conversations about sportswashing, people seeing corruption and cheating where in reality it's just good football people making good football decisions. Just need to start getting those trophies.

Always have a good laugh with you lot, more so than fans of the other 'big clubs'. There isn't the entitlement, the arrogance. There might be amongst some of your newer fans, but the blokes I've chatted to are decent. Any time I've spoken to Man City fans they remember where they were before the takeover, watching your team lose to Stockport County and shit like that. It helps that your manager is likeable, that you play entertaining football and your players aren't... (I dunno what the profanity filter is like on here so insert your favourite pejorative here).
If you see past the fog of jealous Man united/Liverpool teenagers and thick inadequates on the internet this is the prevailing view of City around the country.

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