PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Are there sensible (sizeable) Liverpool fan sites out there out of interest that doesn't allow some of the stuff that is de rigueur on rawk?
No idea to be honest but RAWK is their biggest independent forum, they have a large fan base and the majority of them are not from Merseyside but from anonymous non descript places they seem to want to be part of some imaginary scouse mythos. they want to identify with the culture

We all know that the internet attracts sundry weirdos and fruitcakes and LFC seems to have attracted them in some number their whole identity is tied up in the aforementioned scouse mythos, even when things are going well they still need an enemy, this time it's us, there will be others that's how cults work

I know plenty of Liverpool fans (including family) who are decent normal people (same for United fans) and banter is just part of football culture but when your life starts get effected by the game to the extent that you want a perceived rivals stadium blowing up or death and injury to them, I would say that it's time to give up the game your mental stability and happiness is worth far more than what is just a passionate pastime for the majority

Like I said before they knew exactly what they were doing when they set this hare running and it's going to take a herculean effort to calm it all down again
Wondered if the Madrid execs being at the ground last week have anything to do with the Tabas letter?
I thought that picture was from the Madrid game itself? Although I can't see the link between a letter to Tebas and RM being involved anyway?
So they have interpreted (or made up) ONE person as doing this, associated it with a whole forum being in agreement and then attributed it to the full fanbase to come to this opinion.

This is like saying all scousers carry tickling sticks and live down Jam Butty mines.
Oh look a scouser pulling the hillsborough card to negate the fact that they are an absolute cult of cunts that almost never happened, when they quit disrespecting the heysel disaster by having parades on the anniversary of it then maybe just maybe they can talk about hillsborough until then its just a no and it needs to stop being a get out card which allows them to play the victims.
Yeah - all that was said on here was:

"Of all fanbases, they should know about campaigns to discredit and how innocent folks can be portrayed to be guilty and judged by millions who don't bother to discover the facts."

It speaks volumes about their victim culture that one of them feels the need to turn that around and tell the cult of RAWK that Bluemoon is disrespecting Hillsborough - the more you read of RAWK - the more you see that everything is twisted to make them victims.

Pathetic shallow fuckers
No idea to be honest but RAWK is their biggest independent forum, they have a large fan base and the majority of them are not from Merseyside but from anonymous non descript places they seem to want to be part of some imaginary scouse mythos. they want to identify with the culture

We all know that the internet attracts sundry weirdos and fruitcakes and LFC seems to have attracted them in some number their whole identity is tied up in the aforementioned scouse mythos, even when things are going well they still need an enemy, this time it's us, there will be others that's how cults work

I know plenty of Liverpool fans (including family) who are decent normal people (same for United fans) and banter is just part of football culture but when your life starts get effected by the game to the extent that you want a perceived rivals stadium blowing up or death and injury to them, I would say that it's time to give up the game your mental stability and happiness is worth far more than what is just a passionate pastime for the majority

Like I said before they knew exactly what they were doing when they set this hare running and it's going to take a herculean effort to calm it all down again
The dangers intrinsic to statements like ‘this means more’
The action may just be a letter in anticipation of being cleared, the import of which will be “If you so much as hint that our exoneration is not kosher, we will be down on you like a ton of bricks.”
“It‘s a bad day for football“ is strictly verboten.
Alternatively, this may be a complete load of bollocks and the kangaroo court starts soon.

I'm sure Klopp said exactly that when we were cleared by CAS. "It's not a good day for football" or some such shit.
No idea to be honest but RAWK is their biggest independent forum, they have a large fan base and the majority of them are not from Merseyside but from anonymous non descript places they seem to want to be part of some imaginary scouse mythos. they want to identify with the culture

We all know that the internet attracts sundry weirdos and fruitcakes and LFC seems to have attracted them in some number their whole identity is tied up in the aforementioned scouse mythos, even when things are going well they still need an enemy, this time it's us, there will be others that's how cults work

I know plenty of Liverpool fans (including family) who are decent normal people (same for United fans) and banter is just part of football culture but when your life starts get effected by the game to the extent that you want a perceived rivals stadium blowing up or death and injury to them, I would say that it's time to give up the game your mental stability and happiness is worth far more than what is just a passionate pastime for the majority

Like I said before they knew exactly what they were doing when they set this hare running and it's going to take a herculean effort to calm it all down again
Spot on!

Last year our daughter married a great lad born and bred in Liverpool. He and his family are all lifelong Liverpool season ticket holders. They are embarrassed by much of the sentiment on RAWK and some of the YouTube idiots. I have pointed out when discussing the charges against City the danger of "trial by media" and proportioning guilt with reference to Hillsborough which did make them think again.

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