PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

this liverpool thing is terrible for the pls case against us, now i know we cant do whataboutery but i would think reasonable questions have to be asked as to why they are absolutely adamant that we cooked the books and had a forensic investigation going back ten years to try and prove it while all the while approving of a banking sponsor that has been charged not once but twice of falsifying records to the point where the government had to step in, not a single one of our sponsors or people involved have been charged multiple times with such offences.

Its no wonder that coutinho money went so far.
This may mean nothing and I could of imagined it I'm a foc you see.But I'm sure sheik mansour was interested in buying or investing in standered chartered therefore would have had access to the books wonder if there was anything of interest involving the scousers?
Joe Lewis at Spurs being done for fraud and insider trading facing jail time. Hasn’t the ownership of the club been signed over to his daughter? I wonder what would happen if you started ripping up the floor boards there and going through their accounts, they are one of the most up to their eye balls in debt clubs in world football. Yet Daniel Levy uses the Premier League to conduct a witch hunt against City.
Thats two out of the four in the shit for dodgy dealings, what was it khaldoon said dont use city to try and deflect from your poor decisions, interesting times ahead
This may mean nothing and I could of imagined it I'm a foc you see.But I'm sure sheik mansour was interested in buying or investing in standered chartered therefore would have had access to the books wonder if there was anything of interest involving the scousers?
whether there was or not you can guarantee that city will have been gathering their own intel and its virtually impossible to assume that all the other clubs are squeaky clean.
Thats two out of the four in the shit for dodgy dealings, what was it khaldoon said dont use city to try and deflect from your poor decisions, interesting times ahead

Rags have a massive tax bill to pay as they were using a similar player image rights scheme to which City are being charged for. There’s a reason Radcliffe is pushing redundancies on their staff to get the wage bill down. None of these teams are whiter than white.
I’ve said it from the very start.

“People in glass houses…..”

Ask yourselves, I know it’s ’allegedly’ 115 charges (FFS!) but how long has this been going on for??
Both Everton &Forest were tried and found guilty in like 4 minutes! Surely with ‘allegedly’ 115 charges (FFS!!) it should be a slam dunk for the totally inept and corrupt FA??
My opinion FWIW, has remained the same since the witch-hunt began, is that WE have said “enough is enough”... stop this shit right now and we’re coming after YOU and all your shite slinging fcuk buddies who we will silence!
After we have been totally exonerated, which I’m supremely confident we will be, we should sue all the fcukers for every dirty penny they’ve got, for pursuing this public and premeditated assault on our beautiful clubs good name!

And If the worst comes to the worst, at least we will have another record, the only club to beat Barrow in its last league fixture of the season, before winning the FA Cup and Chumps League trophies the following weekends ;-))

CTID and so fcuking proud to be so!!!!
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It's dirty oil money if the oil comes from the gulf states such as the UAE, Saudi Arabia etc. It's not dirty oil money if it comes from the white oil barons from the redneck state of Texas in the good ol' US of A
And all the tossers that say dirty oil money use it to heat their houses, power their cars, fuel the energy that makes their food...I could go on, but I won't. The reason the money is dirty in the eyes of some people is because its not being spent on their football club.
And all the tossers that say dirty oil money use it to heat their houses, power their cars, fuel the energy that makes their food...I could go on, but I won't. The reason the money is dirty in the eyes of some people is because its not being spent on their football club.
very true wasnt so dirty when the fake sheikh was all over the rags was it
We all know why it's not getting the headlines it deserve is the press and media in general are shit scared of the murderoool PR machine...

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