PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Pinto threatens to release emails HE claims will prove City guilty of breaching FFP rules.
Yet didn't provide them to UEFA or the PL investigation before today when they miraculously existed.

Why are people taking this gimp seriously?
That's the fake headline on Talksport. I think the claim by Pinto's lawyer is that they have more documents to help any investigations. As far as the English press are concerned City are guilty. In fact so far the only person who is guilty is the convicted criminal Rui Pinto. The UK media never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
This story is riddled with mistakes (lies) from start to finish. Pinto is not claiming his documents will prove City's guilt. The lawyer's claim is that Pinto still has millions of documents (on all sorts of people), including some on City, which may have "criminal relevancy". The Mail says Pinto was found guilty but he admitted extortion and did a plea deal. The Mail says the so-called "bombshell" Mancini contract shows breaches of FFP. The contract dates back to 2008, four years before FFP came in. There are too many other errors to list. Just total fake news in the ongoing smear campaign against City.
And the first thing he said when getting arrested, no i am not him, the second, i want protection for my family, which he got, so no deportation to America for him.
He has nothing on City, that is highly unlikely to be the case for others.
I’m waiting for the report that Pinto wants to put a cease and disist order on Sunsport for spread lies about him.
Him claiming they made it up and he doesn’t have a massive file or a file of any size on City.

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