PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

'There is a growing consensus among Premier League executives that the outcome of City's hearing will result in a points deduction so severe that it would relegate the club'

'According to The Times, one Premier League club executive said: 'The collective view I've heard is that an appropriate sanction would have to be a points deduction so substantial — we are talking here between 70 and 80 points — that it guarantees City a season in the Championship.'

Ok then.
I don't think that'll happen but if it did, i think us fans would take it easier than the players.
Top players wouldn't hang around, it's probably in their contracts that they can leave in the event of a relegation.
The PL would probably bring in new rules about promoted clubs, just to keep us in check.
Obviously, we should know our place & doff our caps at every opportunity ha
'There is a growing consensus among Premier League executives that the outcome of City's hearing will result in a points deduction so severe that it would relegate the club'

'According to The Times, one Premier League club executive said: 'The collective view I've heard is that an appropriate sanction would have to be a points deduction so substantial — we are talking here between 70 and 80 points — that it guarantees City a season in the Championship.'

Ok then.
That would be a fun season. If we’re guaranteed to go down yet get to play the cartel twice. So nothing to play for other than derailing certain teams. I foresee a lot of red cards and broken legs.
Have we got a name for this "premier league executive" or is he just made up, we need to know where this shit is coming from and deal with it
Someone's going to need to summarise it for me here (i'm not trawling through 50-odd pages to get the gist.)

But what is with the sudden negativity on here? Usually this thread is about Robbie Fowler, "is it football or soccer?", sexiest Corrie character and the like. Now it's talk of points deductions, Fleetwood Town, Northern Premier League and lawsuits.

What the fuck has happened?
If these people are so confident of our “guilt”, why are they skulking behind the cloak of anonymity? At least señor teabag has the balls to stand up and be counted.

Out with it, you fucking cowards. Put your names to your words.

Some sort of evidence of this “guilt” would be handy as well. Whats that? You haven’t got any? Well now, there’s a turn-up for the books.

And the athletic expect City fans to pay for this shite? I don’t fucking think so.
The emails are 100% concrete evidence. What more do you need?!?

On a more serious note, I try and reason with people and ask them to see that the media are being one-sided on their suggestive reporting (I still firmly believe it is solely to get people frothing, which leads to clicks and money. I also think that many don't actually believe, or possibly care about, what they are reporting).

To demonstrate this I ask them to provide one or two articles from regular media outlets that gives City's side of the story or that City may be 'innocent'; and in response to any pro-City article (if any do exist), I will show them 200 articles that are heavily nuanced the other way.

You can probably guess what comes back..."there is a reason why there are no reports out there saying City are 'innocent'".

I go back in and say that even in criminal law, there are two sides to every story, which is where their 'argument' starts to fall down, with the predictable, "they are guilty", "it's all there for everyone to see", "cheats", yada, yada, yada; followed by them walking off.

Fans of clubs in direct contest with City want this solely because it stops their team winning stuff. There is no interest in a fair, true and legal outcome. Which is where the media come in with their suggestive reporting. Fair play...they know their market.
'There is a growing consensus among Premier League executives that the outcome of City's hearing will result in a points deduction so severe that it would relegate the club'

'According to The Times, one Premier League club executive said: 'The collective view I've heard is that an appropriate sanction would have to be a points deduction so substantial — we are talking here between 70 and 80 points — that it guarantees City a season in the Championship.'

Ok then.
Just one more headline jumping straight to sentencing, presuming guilt. Yawn.

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