PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

Exactly! The history of sporting schisms shows that before the final breakaway the preceeding years were full of interminable commercial disputes. It will take some highly competent people to resolve this shit show. With a cretin like Masters in such an important role there's no hope.
I would suggest once he's gone the CEO role should be a two year period only and contract renewal subject to member clubs (all 20) and IR approval.
It was always clear from Masters’ appointment that he was a compliant place-man. He pulled the trigger on the charges and authorised their “weaponised” publication. He and his backers doubtless thought “job done” - as in the manner of a Pontius Pilate they passed the matter over to the Independent Panel. Meanwhile during the intervening 18 months, the systematic, brutal trashing of City’s reputation and achievements was facilitated through various media campaigns and leaks. IMO they haven’t a hope of landing the serious charges, but that’s almost incidental now. They underestimated City’s resolve in the fight and due to the PL’s appallingly poor leadership, it is now lurching from crisis to crisis. I can’t believe the IR will allow a super league to happen either and I’m expecting a high body count at the PL with Masters at the top of the (hopefully large) pile.
They don't have insurance. But what policy would pay for a regulatory complaint against a member club. Would be an odd/very niche product.

The PL doesn't have its own money. It takes funds from the revenue in to pay its costs and then passes money to the clubs. The PL is not funded by a third party.

To be fair, I don't think they ever envisaged a scenario where they would be simultaneously running multiple claims vs a number of its clubs all with budgets at the very top of English commercial disputes
...because it's clear they didn't think the potential fallout through when instigating this whole bucket of headfuckery at the behest of their red shirt masters.

Any semi-decent CEO would have seen what could happen - the moment you begin to formalise proceedings, expect others to formalise things too..., are you still prepared to.accept the consequences, or is this probably a very bad idea?
Business/HR 101.

Absolute fucking numpties.
Does my head as well lol. But than I remember it's been done by American clubs and we know the American way of thinking. If you don't agree with America than they go to war against you. It's their way or no way.
So I can see Americans doing this in business as well. Americans don't like the way City are run so regardless of the law, American clubs will go to war against you.

Don't forget this is a country that puts the right to have a gun as the fore front of their politics. Plus a complete knobhead Trump in charge.

The Americans will destroy OUR football unless more clubs and fans wake up
American sports like NFL & MLB have wage caps, share parts of the league revenue (such as income from kit deals, merchandising), and limit debt. The teams keep revenue from hospitality. Also there's no CL equivalent and getting to the post-season, even winning the World Series or Superbowl brings little financial benefit.

In the NFL the Dallas Cowboys are by far the wealthiest team, with the highest revenue, but the cap limits how much they can spend on the team. That means their profit and therefore payback to the owners, is huge, but they've won nothing for years.
I agree with all you have said but its the last paragraph tht always puts seeds of doubt in my mind.

Would the premier league be so stupid to do this or are we indeed guilty?
Would the premier league hold a gun to its own head/brand just to curtail us? Or have we actually been cheating.
Would they level this against there best club without utter proof? On a whim?

I know the answer is a huge YES , but it still frazzles my tiny brain

The PL have just lost an appeal through a pretty glaring fuck up so don't question their stupidity.
I agree with all you have said but its the last paragraph tht always puts seeds of doubt in my mind.

Would the premier league be so stupid to do this or are we indeed guilty?
Would the premier league hold a gun to its own head/brand just to curtail us? Or have we actually been cheating.
Would they level this against there best club without utter proof? On a whim?

I know the answer is a huge YES , but it still frazzles my tiny brain

Ask yourself if there is any precedent for that sort of behaviour. At UEFA, for example.
There are reports he was being paid nearly £8k an hour on previous jobs for people with deep pockets. I wouldn't be surprised with City agreeing a slightly higher hourly rate in order to further incentivise him. Explains why we had a fairly quiet summer when you're paying De Bruyne level wages to a third party!
The good thing is that MCFC don’t pay a penny. CFG pay the legal costs, presumably on the grounds that they are entitled to defend their major asset.
Does my head as well lol. But than I remember it's been done by American clubs and we know the American way of thinking. If you don't agree with America than they go to war against you. It's their way or no way.
So I can see Americans doing this in business as well. Americans don't like the way City are run so regardless of the law, American clubs will go to war against you.

Don't forget this is a country that puts the right to have a gun as the fore front of their politics. Plus a complete knobhead Trump in charge.

The Americans will destroy OUR football unless more clubs and fans wake up
Pure rubbish! You know not what you speak.
It was always clear from Masters’ appointment that he was a compliant place-man. He pulled the trigger on the charges and authorised their “weaponised” publication. He and his backers doubtless thought “job done” - as in the manner of a Pontius Pilate they passed the matter over to the Independent Panel. Meanwhile during the intervening 18 months, the systematic, brutal trashing of City’s reputation and achievements was facilitated through various media campaigns and leaks. IMO they haven’t a hope of landing the serious charges, but that’s almost incidental now. They underestimated City’s resolve in the fight and due to the PL’s appallingly poor leadership, it is now lurching from crisis to crisis. I can’t believe the IR will allow a super league to happen either and I’m expecting a high body count at the PL with Masters at the top of the (hopefully large) pile.
I wonder if we could bring a charge against Masters of failing to act in utmost good faith when this witch-hunt finally collapses.

But that requirement only seems to apply when we're the alleged perpetrators, rather than being the victims.

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