PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

That doesn’t make sense the press won’t change the narrative unless we come out and explain why they won’t make stuff up with exec told me or ex coach said etc for our benefit

Naah. The press won't change the narrative if they don't want to. There has been a position for unbiased takes on all this for a year and a half and yet there is only one. Martin Samuel isn't much smarter than the other sports journalists I don't believe, yet there is no-one else out there putting over a balanced case. There is a reason for that. And it's nothing to do with City's approach, I don't think.
A few lawyers in the family? I guess the smart gene bypassed you then unless you really are talking about a castrated goat.
Have I typed anything aggressive or rude in here to get these responses?? I'm in tech, just gave my opinion. I'm not sure what is worthy of such vitriol.
Fair enough. Nobody knows for sure at the moment.

But consider this. There are many, many more explanations as to why the PL made 115 allegations ranging from the innocuous (for example, the PL had 115 questions that weren't ticked off by evidence produced by the club, and four years was long enough) to the malicious (for example, the PL has been pressured into it by rival clubs to damage City's reputation) than the explanation you are positing (which is that the club's executives, directors, owners, sponsors and auditors have been conspiring for over a decade to deceive the PL and were then stupid enough to talk about it openly in meetings, emails and Godknowswhatelse, when there were hundreds of other ways to do what they wanted to do completely undiscovered, and perfectly "legally").

I don't know any of the guys involved personally, of course, but I do know they aren't fucking stupid.
I completely agree, but clever people have lost trials before. That's all I'm saying.
Whether you have lawyers in your family or not is a mute point. The EPL would have charged us 1st & then the lawyers would have got involved.

Can you explain why the Mcfc & the premier league in a joint enterprise went to court to stop this becoming common knowledge
The Premier League includes all other teams, I think they all understand that the public having an eye on the fuckery they do behind the scenes on any case isn't a good idea. Wether they like City or not.
You’ve made a whopping big assumption that there is any evidence. Upto now all there has been is innuendo.
Which is why I'm still 60/40 in favor of City. I would be astounded if they had absolutely nothing new to add.
Naah. He isn't trying to develop a reputation as a City mouthpiece, he is trying to develop a reputation as an impartial financial expert. He has to be everywhere he can be, and as often as he can be, to do that. Not a criticism, just a fact.
"just a fact" you say?

I don't think Stefan will thank you for that, but you do raise an interesting point, what you're essentially saying is he's piggy backing this issue in order "to develop a reputation as an impartial financial expert".

In other words he's doing this for his own self promotion. Of course there's nothing intrinsically wrong with that. Who can seriously question that Stefan has gone from a relative nobody to a somebody with these appearances, if I were him I might well have done the same.

Not surprisingly that's exactly what Nick Harris believes is his motivation.

It's not anything I would want to do. Financial experts are rapidly joining journalists somewhere down in the gutter of the world of information sharing but I can understand what he is doing and why.

If I'm reading you right, what you "understand" is he's exploiting City's situation for his own ends and consequently he's up for anywhere and everywhere.

I'm beginning to think you might be right, and if you are right, from a professional standpoint I applaud him, opportunities like this are rare, good luck to him.

But as a blue he's doing us no favours, touting his wares passively and uncritically to those who wish us harm. I know in the past he's justified his appearances on Talksport as the sole voice of reason, and his quiet humiliation of Jordan was amusing in the early days, but Redmen TV for crying out loud! He's not a fool, he must've known what they'd do with that little chat and quelle surprise they did what everyone knew they'd do....

I don't like to speak ill of anyone and I've admired what Stefan has done in the past and will no doubt continue to do as this all heats up, and I can't deny that it's down to him that I know a great deal more about the process than I did before. But if he is going to promote himself off the back of this, he needs to get politically savvy and real quick.
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