PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

I'm sure I'm not the only person feeling quietly confident, but also with a nagging doubt that there might be something lurking in the background.

For reassurance I watched one of Stefan's interviews on Talksport following the Leicester loophole.
He was asked if City could find any similar loopholes and he immediately asserted that City had been charged for something surrounding the Mancini contract that technically wasn't even the rule at that precise moment in time

Naturally he was interrupted by the sneering Jordan but if that's true, then alongside the wording of the Leicester loophole, and also the errors in the original publication of the PL allegations (grass too long etc) then that's already three errors that we're aware of, and the strong possibility that there might be more.

We still face a potential smoking gun, but surely someone would have heard something by now,. especially with Omar Berruda switching to the rags.

In fact the only thing that really concerns me is City's PR which for some reason, they deem to be unimportant.and maybe not even necessary
Khaldoon has been offered 2-3 opportunities to speak directly, but on each occasion has opted for a soft interview with Chris Bailey
I appreciate that he couldn't speak directly about the hearing, but he could have been more bullish about the CAS verdict and the subsequent revisionism from the usual suspects.
Instead he hid behind "I'll speak strongly after the verdict" which frankly, I fear will be too late, regardless of the outcome.

That's why I remain convinced that City will be exonerated of the serious charges, but it will be reported as though we got away with it.
I couldn't give a shit how it's reported after the fact if the actual fact is exoneration.
There will have to be a change of personnel at the top of the Prem though, how could we work with the persons who are currently running it going forward knowing how they feel about us as a club ?

Interesting one there was a notable change around Cerefin and also a distancing between himself and the result coming up to the hearing.

However, recent comments made show there is resentment from him.

I don’t actually think we will make that mistake again.

I also think Masters has fall guy written all over him, even if he doesn’t know it.
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just the final two charges that could be debated for the season 10/11 the others are again factual rules that either did or didn't happen and most likely did as they didn't kick up a fuss about it at the time. The images rights contract stuff is interesting as Fordham is a non starter for any charges as it's a valid business transaction that the PL knew about decades ago anyway.

For the most serious charges about the accounts, it's the combination of the requirements you stated with the requirement for good faith that is the problem. I think they are saying we complied with the wording of the rules but in bad faith by presenting information the board knew didn't give a true and fair view.

I'm just reading though all the handbooks and my thoughts are we're going to beat these easily as the wording is very specific which works in our favour. I'm on to the 15/16 handbook and it's all the same stuff except the E53 to E60 rules which is about related parties. Easily cleared up as the best the PL could hope for is associated parties plus it was cleared up in CAS anyway. We're going to wipe the floor with them. I'm extremely optimistic now.
this lads on 5k an hour and you're doing it for free get in

great work and all intresting
Independent Commission
Monday 16 September 2024
Premier League v Manchester City
Submission:Summary of Evidence

I Brown envelopes - Big Dave from Enfield Amazon Distribution Centre says City have a standing order with them.

ii. Seamus from Cork with no affiliation to any club states “If City Get off it proves they are corrupt YNWA”

iii Raz from Islington offers “Yo fam, money talks innit blud. Don’t need no lawyers if innocent innit”

iv Olaf from Tromso added “ If City is innocent why not prove it.”

v. Mr D.Gill esquire said “City only got away with it last time as they bought Two CAS judges”

v.i Mr R.Parry pointed out that “City were definitely guilty but all the serious issues were time barred”

Vii A 700 year old Frenchman said “ There’s No smoke without fire”

viii. Ranjit Singh from New Delhi, a lifelong United fan said “City Must be guilty of some offences.”

i.x Patrick Power has confirmed City are 12/1 for relegation.

x. We, the Premier League have irrefutable proof that City’s owners are Not American.
There were some leaks as I recall from CAS. Nothing substantial or specific just generalisations. If this thing goes on for up to ten weeks I would think something of significance will filter out some way.
Agreed mate already started the apprentice who is working has it on good authority that you will be foind guilty and relegated to the NW counties league
View attachment 132049
Independent Commission
Monday 16 September 2024
Premier League v Manchester City
Submission:Summary of Evidence

I Brown envelopes - Big Dave from Enfield Amazon Distribution Centre says City have a standing order with them.

ii. Seamus from Cork with no affiliation to any club states “If City Get off it proves they are corrupt YNWA”

iii Raz from Islington offers “Yo fam, money talks innit blud. Don’t need no lawyers if innocent innit”

iv Olaf from Tromso added “ If City is innocent why not prove it.”

v. Mr D.Gill esquire said “City only got away with it last time as they bought Two CAS judges”

v.i Mr R.Parry pointed out that “City were definitely guilty but all the serious issues were time barred”

Vii A 700 year old Frenchman said “ There’s No smoke without fire”

viii. Ranjit Singh from New Delhi, a lifelong United fan said “City Must be guilty of some offences.”

i.x Patrick Power has confirmed City are 12/1 for relegation.

x. We, the Premier League have irrefutable proof that City’s owners are Not American.

I'm just reading though all the handbooks and my thoughts are we're going to beat these easily as the wording is very specific which works in our favour. I'm on to the 15/16 handbook and it's all the same stuff except the E53 to E60 rules which is about related parties. Easily cleared up as the best the PL could hope for is associated parties plus it was cleared up in CAS anyway. We're going to wipe the floor with them. I'm extremely optimistic now.

You are right to be optimistic, I think, but I don't think it's quite as easy as you suggest because of the inclusion of a breach of the "acting in good faith" rule in the first tranche of breaches.

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