PL charge City for alleged breaches of financial rules

That's reassuring, but also adds to the sense that everything will just go round in circles with the media and fans of other clubs repeating the myth that we only "got off" on time-barring issues

It doesn't bother me (on the contrary I'll fight fire with fire), but I fear for the mental strength of our more vulnerable supporters who might be struggling with this permanent assumption of guilt from such a vindictive witch-hunt

I’m not arsed what rival says anymore... If any United fan says that I’ll just say well the whole world knows you got away with PSR. Past caring what they say.
You’d say good luck to any club purposely not abiding by the rules because they don’t like the rules they signed up to?

If that’s the case, let’s just leave it there and crack on with our days.
So you're saying that all legislative processes are entirely just and fair and enforced even handedly and no form of corruption, bias, nepotism, favouritism etc exists in any way shape or form throughout the whole of society? (Not just football)

So if chairman Keir introduces a new law that anyone who goes on the internet with the username "stoned rose" has to have their cock removed using a rusty butter knife you'd be entirely happy about that because that's the law and we all have to abide by it.
Evidence of this?

That's good enough for me
A lot of opposition fans want to be ignorant. They don’t want to invest in any time at all to even understand the rudimentaries of this case leave alone the minutiae.
The mentally challenged think it’s suffice to just post what they think should be the punishment.
The Social media age is all about instant gratification. No thought, no analysis no debate. It is the Burger King of communication, thought, analysis and decision making.
Sometimes I fear for the future generations.
Crazy how more young people than ever go to University now yet the average IQ of the country is falling like Salah in the box,
Evidence of this?
I've had it on good authority that this happened (and I know who it came from). More recently I've been told (but I couldn't verify, so treat it with caution) that we were specifically offered a 6-point deduction and a large fine to settle pre-hearing. I don't know if the deduction would have applied last season or this. Obviously our answer to that offer was no. This echoes what happened with UEFA, who offered us a fine to settle, an offer we again rejected.

You can look at this as the PL believing their case wouldn't stand up at a hearing, or that it would and they felt a slightly more severe penalty would be in order (although they have no idea what the IC might do).

Clearly the media weren't told, or if they were, chose not to publicise it for whatever reason.

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