But on the other hand, he's left this and many other of his tweets cryptic, vague and open for interpretation. The only thing (to my knowledge) he's posted which is unequivocal and actual information which has came from the club direct is that they are confident in their position - like they've told us from the offset anyway.
Not having a go at tolm, I've posted similar on here before about his posts. I love his transfer spec, it's fun and games - but when it's an issue as serious as this and he's heard developments it'd be good to know exactly what they are and not necessarily out his source but tell us if the information is matter of opinion/confidence or genuine inside knowledge of facts.
This post sounds arsey, it isn't meant to be. Genuinely enjoy following tolmie and think him revealing his own personal identity was much to his credit. I'd love him back on the "it's quiet" threads too. It's just, these vague, cryptic, posts when it's an issue so serious only frustrates me to some extent. I realise that's just my opinion and others may still enjoy the cryptic nature of his posts on this subject too.