Platini {merged}

What an absoulute french twat, I seriously hate this moronic bafoon, he is an anti city, top 4 biassed piece of shit, why doesnt he stick his nose out of the EPL, it is none of his buisness who our owner buys/spends money on. Funny how he didnt give a toss when United are raking in 50 million per champions league final, or when chelsea did this, or real madrid the first time, im sure it is just because we are not a CL club.
Is this the same numpty calling for wage caps? Oh how convinient, if 50 million is the max bid that can be made and we and united bid for a player he will obviously pick united if they offer the same max wages, how convinient, top 4 would stay the same forever for that bell end.

sorry if this seems harsh, im just sick of numptys like this guy and bacon face fueling the press negativity about us.
Platini may have decided that this is a good idea, but before it can be put into practice a group of lawyers will have to sit down and come up with sort of financial probity test that will not be overturned by the courts. And that will never happen
GaudinoMotors said:
I hope the Clubs lawyers are listening to Parry on Talkshite - He has just implied we have been behaving in a "corrupt" manner in our transfer dealings.
Re: Platini plans to make sure 'clubs like City' dont join elite

Cobwebcat said:
They're going to stop us using sponsorship money too if its obviously from our owners. This is really anti-city. Where were these rules for Chelsea?

Are we supposed to now spend the next three years selling everyone we have just bought to keep Platini happy?

The Premiership will not put restrictions on us so we could be winning the Premiership but won't be allowed into the CL!!

If it comes to it I say forget Europe and win the Prem. Platini being a twat.

I've only read as far as page 5 so if someone has already posted with this view in the later pages - apologies...

The above comment sums it up - why wasn't there an outcry when Chelsea's big spending drove wages up? Why wasn't there any concern when American "investors" took over the scum and the red dippers - and more importantly, have now put them in financially precarious positions?

Mr Platini's stance is nothing to do with financial fair play and has everything to do with protecting the "big" teams in Europe - especially in Italy. I note nothing is mentioned about politicians financing football.

Far from it being anti City, I would argue that the more sinister undertone of this report is that Mr Platini and the rest of the EUFA governing body are anti Arab. Why else would they object to gifts from our wealthy benefactors (they didn't have any objection when Mr Abramovich initially financed Chelski)? So it's OK to hock the club into debt (as long as you can pay it back within 2 years - or prove that the debt is for "investment" in youth development), but if you have owners who can finance from their own personal wealth, it's not?

Personally, I think that these proposals should be challenged for the sake of football - otherwise we will all be condemned to watching the same teams qualify for the CL (and therefore continually generate football income) and any other clubs who are just below qualification, will always have to content themselves with the Europa league (that should keep their fans happy - but they'll never be able to earn the revenues generated by being in the CL and consequently, will never be able to compete in the transfer market and build better squads to challenge for a top 4 place - simples!).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the current view of most football pundits is that this season has the potential to be one of the most exciting due to the uncertainty of which teams will finish in the top 4 based on the challenges from our beloved team and Spurs? In what way does that "ruin" football?
What about the new complex that is being rumoured on the old factory site??? If that is at least paid for by 2012 and he whacks in money before that date (enough for the interest to more than cover our running costs) then IMO it wont be us, but all of the Sky 4 who will be in the shit.
"It's mainly the owners that asked us to do something - Roman Abramovich, (AC Milan's) Silvio Berlusconi, (Inter Milan's) Massimo Moratti. They do not want to fork out from their pockets any more," he said.

That's what does it for me! So as far as Roman, Silvio and Massimo are concerned, they've spent as much as they possibly can in order to get their teams to major players in their league's, thus gaining them champions league football therefore able to recoup the money from that to then carry on paying the best players, buying the best and sustaining a title challenge/champs league place. But, now they can no longer keep up with paying vast amounts, they feel something should be put in place that will keep their teams in the champions league year upon year so they can get some of their "hard-earned" money back.

This quote just goes to show how concerned the elite clubs are at what's going on at City, for they no the seemingly infinite moneyADUG are willing to use so we can surpass everyone else multiple times over.

Saying this nothing could be done like others have previously mentioned. ADUG could loan us say 500million at a 0.000000000000001% a year. Or as other mentioned no-one can stop them from buying thousands of merchandise or just giving us the money.

The worrying thing is that he is one of the heads of the game...
Platini is a purist he wants to go back to the days when he played,the days when 1 league didn't produce 3 european cup semi final teams two years running.Blatter and Platini are now politicians they are keeping themselves popular with the lesser league's by picking on the biggest and most successful.
It's strange how Berlusconi and Morrati were specifically named as being in agreement with this masterplan,especially as during the 80's and 90's Italian football was awash with cash for the best players around,Platini himself played for Juve(no bias there then)The money wasted on such "stars" as Lentini amongst others still makes me chuckle.No-one in Uefa complained about the italians out bidding everyone for even the most average of stars in those days,why now?
Jealousy can be the only answer,the Epl and La liga are the 2 best leagues in Europe and the Epl is the most commercially successful around the world,simply we have become too powerful and the only way to curtail this is by changing the rules.The 6+5 and now this latest nugget.The unpalatable truth is the Epl and La liga are so popular because the football is entertaining (as is the bundesliga to be fair)and bringing in this new rule will not change the fact that Italian football is boring,so potential customers round the world aren't interested and ditto the rest of the European leagues.
Berlusconi was bleating a few months ago Re the Kaka saga that"Milan can no longer Compete for the best players"You can pretty much say the same for Juve,Inter,Roma and the rest too.Self interests again is behind Italian agreement with this platini proposal.
Platini is only interested in reestablishing the old balance of power, imo his real target with this rule change is the Premier league,he hates it.
He should be using his power to lift other leagues and teams up rather than tearing ours down.I don't believe this proposal of his has a cat in hells chance of going through the courts as it stands anyway.
Guys I think you all need to actually read the proposal because every "get out" that has been put forward will not be permitted.

The idea that we can sponsor ourselves etc is not allowed. We will not be able to get around this with obvious back door tricks. Neither can we loan the money to ourselves.

The rule is specifically aimed at us. Do you think UEFA don't know the loopholes? They have 9 months to close every one of them.

We will go from the most powerful club in the world back down to about 20th (see link)'_list_of_the_most_valuable_football_clubs

Clubs like United and Real Madrid are not in trouble in fact they are laughing. It's nothing to do with debt It's purely football generated turnover and being able to spend a percentage of that.

I've also seen some posters think we will be OK because we will have spent loads by then so don't have to buy anyone else. Wrong! We will always need to replace people and as the years go by we will not be allowed to get to the better players. Also wage cost count as expenditure. We are already paying over £100 million a year and players contracts have to be honoured over the next 5 years or whatever the contract lengths are.

In short we are fecked unless something can be done that's way different to the ideas put forward so far.

The only one I can come up with is that (luckily) The Premiership don't agree with UEFA and we can spend what we like for them. So we have to be prepared to go on spending and do as well as we can in the Prem but if/when we get into the top four we have to be accept that we will not be allowed in the CL.... but that's not the end of the story.

Other than to protect the status quo UEFA want to control our spending so we don't artificially inflate prices but if we ignore this, despite the ban, then UEFA's threat doesn't work. The clubs that need the CL reduce their spending but we don't and snap up the best players. Eventually UEFA will have to come up with something else.

The only way to win in the long term is to carry on spending before and after we get into the top 4 and accept in the short term we can't play in Europe.

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