Platini Warns City

bluenova said:
strongbowholic said:
No,depressingly, it's a business. Football is merely the product. This notion of the Corinthian spirit is as dead as the dinosaurs.

They may well have salary caps, by agreement in the US, however, as I point out, the second you restrict an employees earnings in Europe, you leave yourself open to challenge in the courts based on EU legislation, hence there is no way a salary cap will be reintroduced (it was abolished following a challenge many, many years ago).

How do you go about justifying to Wayne Rooney who puts bums on seats at the swamp, who is a source of vast commercial revenue to the rags, that he is going to earn minimum wage from now on despite being the main reason out of the 11 that people turn up, buy the shirts, mugs, videos, dvds ad nauseum? They don't come to see the swamp. They don't come to see the Glazers. That's why there will not be a salary cap.

It's a business. It's cold, hard, cash.

The second the rags floated as a PLC, that was it, game over. They were up for sale at any point, 24x7 to the highest bidder. Add in Sky, inflated ticket prices, the Champions League and the pigs guzzled greedily at a trough overflowing with money.

The beautiful game ceased being a sport and became a business.

They were partly responsible for creating this monster. They opened Pandora's box and it is a tad rich (excuse the pun) for anyone to be bleating about not being able to get the lid back on.

We ALL sat idly by and let this happen. Tough shit; as you sow, so shall you reap.

I would love to see a league where Wigan could realistically be in with a chance of being champions. I would love to see it so competitive that anything and anyone could win. As it stands now, even a big club like Spurs, Newcastle or even Liverpool will realistically struggle to win it again without huge investment.

They changed it to make it harder for the have nots to compete and to keep it all for themselves. They tried to ring fence the money and the trophies. Is that sport? Is that fair? Is that competitive? Of course it isn't.

I agree on most points there - but it's taken one of the richest men in the world to put us in this position. Aston Villa's owner was a billionaire when he bought them and he couldn't even get them into the top four. The gap to the biggest clubs you'd need to be a multi-billionaire to even have a chance of catching them.

FFP isn't going to stop a rush of billionaires taking over football because there aren't that many mega-rich football fans out there. It's intended to try and bring a bit of sanity back into those teams chasing glory - and it's true benefit will be felt further down the league. I don't think we'll have any problem with meeting FFP, simply because of the extended reach and influence of our owners in Abu Dhabi - and the genuine way we've helped raise the profile of many of them.


And yet M Platini often singles out City to illustrate FFP objectives. He referred to us chasing Kaka when he pleaded with the European Parliament not to overturn FFP. He referred to us again in the context of the remarks this thread deals with. He has referred to us many other times, which is odd because the one team that doesn't need to worry about using a highly leveraged and unsustainable business model is us. (We aren't living off credit cards and getting ourselves into more debt than we can manage, we are living off our savings, and we've got lots and lots of savings.) But he has never once mentioned Leeds languishing in the second and third tiers, as a result of doing just what FFP is supposed to be guarding against.

Funny, that.

The thing is, if there was not a European elite in existence already, FFP might have worked in the way you suggest it is intended to work, though frankly I doubt it. The fundamental problem with FFP is that it is being introduced about 20 years after a self-perpetuating elite came into being.

You only have to look at our own league for evidence of how our elite clubs have benefitted from sitting at Europe's top table. For years and years there was no real discussion about who would be the top 4 teams every season: rags, Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea. The only serious issue was what order they would come in, but the points gap between 4th and 5th was usually pretty significant. And when our top 4 went into Europe, they did well: often 3 or 4 of our teams would be in the last 8 of the champions league, but none of our other teams did so well in the UEFA cup. So our top 4 were on a par with the best in Europe, but the rest were steadily falling further and further behind. There were odd exceptions - Everton one year, Spurs another, but until we came along the established elite was pretty secure. And it is no surprise that the ones at the top of the tree stayed there, because they had access to the richest pickings.

In fact, when you look at who Europe's 'big' clubs are now (the ones who qualify year after year and who usually get into the last 16, say), they fall basically into two categories: long term established teams, like Madrid, Bayern, Ajax, Milan, Rags, Liverpool etc, who were in at the beginning of the champions league and who have stayed there ever since; and then the teams who have been bankrolled by a sugar daddy - Chelsea, us joining them, and PSG is I suppose a bit of both. But can you think of a single example of a team that is now a major champions league player but was neither in at the beginning of the champions league era nor has been bankrolled the way we have and Chelsea have? Me neither.

In other words, the experience of the last 20 years has shown that if you aren't already part of the European elite that shares the greatest riches between itself, the only way you will actually join that group is by throwing vast quantities of cash at it. And now the rules are being changed so you can't do that either.

Whatever the original thinking behind FFP, the way it is being applied prevents anybody who wants to spend money they haven't earned chasing the dream from doing so, and effectively prevents anybody else from challenging the established order because the income differentials between those who have Champions League TV money and those who do not has been growing for 20 years and is now just too great a chasm to bridge. And it's getting wider all the time. Look at what it has taken us to break the Sky 4 cartel.

For make no mistake, it is a cartel that FFP guards. It protects an elite. It is wrong.
MCFCinUSA said:
I'll say one thing in addition to the above, although having resources is essential and more important perhaps than ever before with regards to survival in the upper echelons of British football, I do believe it's possible, albeit more and more unlikely, for a team to do a Notts Forest (with an equivalent to a Clough) but it's getting harder and harder due to the ever increasing competitiveness and professionalism of our league.

Real Madrid adequately demonstrated that simply throwing money at the game and 'galacticos' doesn't necessarily translate into a winning team. At the other end of the spectrum, Premier League teams like Wigan and Swansea have claimed 'bigger' scalps in this season's fixtures, with Everton (spending next to nothing) sticking four goals away at Old Trafford, and I need not say any more about the significance of this and the richness of our domestic game and the results it throws up.

Where I'd criticise a lot of clubs would be the off-the-field activities and upside down economics of the game.. along with the historically inept and antiquated 'management' at the top of the game, both domestically and (for other reasons) internationally. Bernstein is a big improvement on what we've had, and the sooner Septic Bloater's succeeded (but sadly it looks like it'll be by Platini) the better.

I think the likes of Swansea and Wigan are bigged up by Sky to make it seem like there is more competition - but Swansea won 12 games to our 28 and were 42 pts behind us. Brenden Rogers may well be this generations Clough, but that's a gap he's never going to breach with Swansea.

The year before Forest won the title in '78 we came second to Liverpool. Despite missing out by a single point we dropped points in 21 games - only winning half of the games we played.

This season Newcastle won half their games, but ended up 24 points off the top! In the 70s the champions would regularly win just over 50% of the games they played, now it's around 75%.
Socialist principals?? Any scheme that aims to keep the rich, rich doesn't look very socialist to me. This guy has remarked about the "arab" owners here at at PSG. Whoever called him a nazi earlier in the thread wasn't far off.

BTW guess who put this whole idea in his head - no other than Roman Abramovich!!!! "he came to me and said we need to do something about this"
Chris in London said:
Whatever the original thinking behind FFP, the way it is being applied prevents anybody who wants to spend money they haven't earned chasing the dream from doing so, and effectively prevents anybody else from challenging the established order because the income differentials between those who have Champions League TV money and those who do not has been growing for 20 years and is now just too great a chasm to bridge. And it's getting wider all the time. Look at what it has taken us to break the Sky 4 cartel.

For make no mistake, it is a cartel that FFP guards. It protects an elite. It is wrong.

I don't disagree that it's hugely flawed, and as you mention twenty years late. That's a key point, because, as I pointed out, it no longer takes a rich sugar daddy to get to the top, it takes a SUPER-MEGA-RICH-SUGAR DADDY. You've mentioned 3 teams - us, PSG and Chelsea. Two of which are pretty much owned by countries! That's hardly sustainable.
The Colonel said:
BTW guess who put this whole idea in his head - no other than Roman Abramovich!!!! "he came to me and said we need to do something about this"

Not true - that was years after he'd first suggested the idea.

I understand I'm not promoting a very popular line of argument here, but here are a couple of links that might help with context.

It's 2012, and on this forum we complain that Platini is after us - and is just interested in helping Utd and keeping the status quo.

Here's a link from 2008 on a United forum complaining about Platini's criticism of United ("Let's rid football of 'cheats' like Chelsea and Man Utd") and and asking why he never called Real Madrid cheats

Here's a link to an article from 2004 where he called Madrid and Barca cheats:

Maybe we've overtaken United in more ways than one?

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