Player thread: Samir Nasri (2014/15)

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Re: Samir Nasri is NOT useless

nasri is class, he's our most underrated player.

he will be top notch in a 4-3-3 system playing in midfield.
Re: Samir Nasri is NOT useless

pweyhe said:
PLEASE READ ALL OF IT BEFORE COMMENTING.. This is an adamant defense of an undervalued player..

Ever since Nasri left Arsenal, abuse has reigned down on him in amounts I don't think he was ready for. Soon after the media started searching for ways to make him look bad, and sky sports has a hard-on for criticizing everything he does.

Then the Euro championships came along, and he got man of the match in the first game but was then made a dumb gesture to the media, which young people are prone to do sometimes. Usually it would be forgotten, but instead it was somehow made the focus of everything that went wrong for France in the next games. So now he has his own country's people and media bashing him into the ground as well.

Then he comes back and has a great start to the season for us, but gets injured, and then comes back playing great and gets suspended, and then comes back and the Man U incident happens. At this point even his OWN club's fans are bashing him.

Clearly he made some mistakes in this time period, but wow did he really deserve literally everyone criticizing and abusing him. The guy couldn't tweet without getting a thousand insults in response.

At this point, he had every reason to just take his money and ask to move on to some lower club.. but he didn't. He came back in the last 2 months, and fought to be one of our best players, and it continued into America and now in South Africa.

What is my point? I'm sick of people calling him a shithouse and a coward. Yeah he's done some stupid crap, but he has gotten an extraordinary amount of abuse for someone who isn't exactly attacking anyone else? The kid is just prideful like most people in the world. But he didn't give up on this club, did he? He's here and he is clearly fighting to prove himself and to help this team. He didn't have to do that. He could have easily left and ran from the abuse, but he chose to stand up and be counted, and I think that takes some serious mental strength.

Also, sometimes people don't like the things he says, but I find his take on things quite refreshing. He is always honest and candid about what is happening and how he feels. He doesn't blame other people for his problems, and he knows what he has to do to improve. Anyone who doesn't believe me should read his Times interview from last year.. <a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=283513</a> He is intelligent, and he LOVES football.

I'm sorry for this ridiculously long defense, but I've thought about this from time to time so I guess I just spewed it all out. I really hope people will get behind Nasri, because when he feels love and support.. that is when he is at his best. And he is honestly a joy to watch when confident and flowing, and he could do BIG things for us if we just give him some support!

I'm expecting him to show his true class this season, think he'll be brilliant
Re: Samir Nasri is NOT useless

Re: Samir Nasri is NOT useless

Nasri is the most skilfull player at the club , and that why he is so frustrating , he should be dictating games , but for the majority of games , he lacks any sort of tenacity required to be a world class player. Just hope Pelligrini can install some spirit,hunger and belief into the lad , he certainly has the ability.
Re: Samir Nasri is NOT useless

He very rarely tries to beat a player whether it be with pace or skill compared to his Arsenal days where this made him their best player. He seems to have had the dangerous part of his game trained out of him as he doesn't attempt to play killer balls or put a cross in.
When you watch him you can see he still has it because of the way he dribbles and holds the ball up in possession but the only problem is that it doesn't benefit the build up of the attack. He just needs a bit of confidence
Re: Samir Nasri is NOT useless

I don't get the unfair stick around Nasri. He very rarely wastes possession for us and a lot of his movement and work goes unnoticed. He's a very neat footballer and as a club if you want to move forwards you get rid of the players with a lack of quality, like we have done with Maicon, Bridge and Santa Cruz, and not players who may not turn up every game but have genuine star quality. I really feel this will be a big year for Nasri. He's potentially a world class player, he just needs to knuckle down, concentrate on improving his game and us as fans need to also get behind him. He's capable of doing anything. Put it this way, he'd walk into the United and Chelsea sides.
Re: Samir Nasri is NOT useless

I agree that we need to get behind him and agree that he has some fantastic qualities, but he's going to very quickly find himself at the periphery of our squad if he doesn't up his ideas and tempo. Watching him versus Sunderland, he still stopped the ball too much, passed backward, and didn't seem to want to take on his man. He's probably capable of being our 2nd best midfielder aside from Silva, but he's just not putting enough pressure on defenders right now.

He's got magnificent control and he's very willing to show for the ball, which are two of the tougher things for midfielders. He's never involved enough, but he doesn't shy away from making himself available. I just don't know exactly what he needs to do, but I think our pace is going to be much higher this season, he won't fit if he doesn't get a bit more aggressive.
Re: Samir Nasri is NOT useless

teddykgb said:
I agree that we need to get behind him and agree that he has some fantastic qualities, but he's going to very quickly find himself at the periphery of our squad if he doesn't up his ideas and tempo. Watching him versus Sunderland, he still stopped the ball too much, passed backward, and didn't seem to want to take on his man. He's probably capable of being our 2nd best midfielder aside from Silva, but he's just not putting enough pressure on defenders right now.

He's got magnificent control and he's very willing to show for the ball, which are two of the tougher things for midfielders. He's never involved enough, but he doesn't shy away from making himself available. I just don't know exactly what he needs to do, but I think our pace is going to be much higher this season, he won't fit if he doesn't get a bit more aggressive.
He always looks better when he plays more centrally. Irrespective of that though, for me, he needs to:

1) attempt to take his man on more often. He is a fantastic dribbler and should be using that to drive into the penalty box to create danger

2) If he's not going to take his man on, release the ball quickly. I don't think he'll ever be a really creative passer but that doesn't mean he has to slow the tempo down all the time
Re: Samir Nasri is NOT useless

He has fantastic movement in the final third off the ball but when he has the ball at his feet he seems quite hesitant at times and needs to be a bit more direct.

I still think he struggles to get into games when both him and Silva are in the starting 11.

Really hoping he hits his peak form this season.

Could have killed him after that derby game last year though.
Re: Samir Nasri is NOT useless

I understand the criticism he gets off a lot of blue's. Its not, generally speaking, because he's "useless" I'd say its more so because he's genuinely a top class player and yet only manages to show us in tiny glimpses. Like others have said this could be a big year for Samir, I hope he really knuckles and shows everybody who doesn't know already, just how good of a player he really is. For me he's easily one of the best players at the club if he could hit the top of his game and do it regularly.
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