Player Topic: Aleks Kolarov 2015/16

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Yesterday I moved from my usual spot in tier 2 - to sit with some friends - and I was able to see close up Kolarov (row J on tier 1, so quite close to pitch side) and two things struck me. Firstly he was visibly upset when De Bryune took the freekick that should have led to an early goal for Fernando, so much so he was moaning about it for about 5 mins. Secondly when Sergio took a shot instead of passing to him he started an argument with Kun that went on for far too long. When Kun scored he brushed off Kolarov in celebration he was that incensed. I am glad that Sergio is confident enough to stand up to him, and I suspect that Sterling as a young player trying to find his way will be intimidated by our Serbian hard man! He needs to concentrate on his own job. Primarily stopping the endless stream of crosses flashing across from his side. Sissoko like many players this season, was allowed two metres space in which to put in cross after cross and Kolarov needs to get closer to his man to stop this from happening.

Those who will look at my previous posts will know I'm not a big fan - as I believe he is a glaring weakness in our team. I held my hands up when for four or five games he was excellent and I really was hopeful he'd turned into the player I thought he would be when we first got him. But, he is back to his 'strutting like a peacock, lazy attitude' best perfectly summed up when he took a free kick near the end of the game and almost handed a simple chance to an opposition destroyed by a player who he was critical of for taking an early shot - the very trademark that makes Sergio one of the best in the world. The sooner he has some competition for his place the better.

What you would also have noticed then that Sterling let his man run off him leaving Kolarov with a decision to make whether to close his man down and lef Sterlings run straight past him
Yesterday I moved from my usual spot in tier 2 - to sit with some friends - and I was able to see close up Kolarov (row J on tier 1, so quite close to pitch side) and two things struck me. Firstly he was visibly upset when De Bryune took the freekick that should have led to an early goal for Fernando, so much so he was moaning about it for about 5 mins. Secondly when Sergio took a shot instead of passing to him he started an argument with Kun that went on for far too long. When Kun scored he brushed off Kolarov in celebration he was that incensed. I am glad that Sergio is confident enough to stand up to him, and I suspect that Sterling as a young player trying to find his way will be intimidated by our Serbian hard man! He needs to concentrate on his own job. Primarily stopping the endless stream of crosses flashing across from his side. Sissoko like many players this season, was allowed two metres space in which to put in cross after cross and Kolarov needs to get closer to his man to stop this from happening.

Those who will look at my previous posts will know I'm not a big fan - as I believe he is a glaring weakness in our team. I held my hands up when for four or five games he was excellent and I really was hopeful he'd turned into the player I thought he would be when we first got him. But, he is back to his 'strutting like a peacock, lazy attitude' best perfectly summed up when he took a free kick near the end of the game and almost handed a simple chance to an opposition destroyed by a player who he was critical of for taking an early shot - the very trademark that makes Sergio one of the best in the world. The sooner he has some competition for his place the better.
Good post HJ,your opinion/assessment pretty much sums up my feelings and why i'll be glad to see the back of him.
He's not a glaring weakness by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, I'd say he's an asset to the team in the way we play our game.
I imagine any replacement we get in will be an attack minded full back and the same problems will manifest when we're under the cosh.
Those wanting him gone might be waiting a little bit longer.
As for yesterday - he had a moment or two where he struggled but for the majority of the game he played well.
What you would also have noticed then that Sterling let his man run off him leaving Kolarov with a decision to make whether to close his man down and lef Sterlings run straight past him
Sterling was poor yesterday no denying that, but Kolarov is a 30 year old international player who should lead and talk him through rather than arguing with team mates on who takes set pieces. We bought Sterling on his strength which is running at teams, using his pace and the space in front of him and we seem to want to change him. Unfortunately he hasn't the technical ability to take the ball like Silva or Nasri - yet! Reminds me of when SWP went to Chelsea when they tried to change his natural instincts. Sterling needs to be handled better, remember he is only 20. Back to your point on Kolarov - he has allowed space behind him whoever is playing in front of him. Ask yourself how many solid tackles has he made? Most of his bookings are for minor infringements. I would love him to play every week as he did against Chelsea but the fact is every opponent seems to be coached to target his side and that confirms he is a weakness. All opinions though - we still won 6-1 so I am happy this weekend especially if Arsenal win!
Great post. I think a left back, a central midfielder and a top class striker to provide competition for Sergio will be our 3 primary areas to address in January or next summer.
Spending done I reckon. The disharmony caused by bringing in bony last year won't be repeated
Sterling was poor yesterday no denying that, but Kolarov is a 30 year old international player who should lead and talk him through rather than arguing with team mates on who takes set pieces. We bought Sterling on his strength which is running at teams, using his pace and the space in front of him and we seem to want to change him. Unfortunately he hasn't the technical ability to take the ball like Silva or Nasri - yet! Reminds me of when SWP went to Chelsea when they tried to change his natural instincts. Sterling needs to be handled better, remember he is only 20. Back to your point on Kolarov - he has allowed space behind him whoever is playing in front of him. Ask yourself how many solid tackles has he made? Most of his bookings are for minor infringements. I would love him to play every week as he did against Chelsea but the fact is every opponent seems to be coached to target his side and that confirms he is a weakness. All opinions though - we still won 6-1 so I am happy this weekend especially if Arsenal win!

Not saying he is the best defender or has best positional sense but he never has the same cover as Zabba or Sagna and is often left out to dry by those playing in front of him Sterling was doing that job at start of season but for whatever reason is as conscientious about that part of his game lately. I think our left is targeted not purely because it's Kolarov but the lack of cover in front aswell.. Ididnt se him having a go at De Brunye or Serg
Not saying he is the best defender or has best positional sense but he never has the same cover as Zabba or Sagna and is often left out to dry by those playing in front of him Sterling was doing that job at start of season but for whatever reason is as conscientious about that part of his game lately. I think our left is targeted not purely because it's Kolarov but the lack of cover in front aswell.. Ididnt se him having a go at De Brunye or Serg
Fair enough, but he really didn't like De Bruyne taking over the set piece and did have a go at Sergio, who looked quite shocked which is never good to see.
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