Player Topic: Fabian Delph (2015/16)

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That's a pointless comparison, he was not your starting CM. he should have been and he would still be there and you would have a better midfield.

Milner doesn't have the close control or short passing ability to play CM in a midfield consisting of the likes of Silva, Toure, Nasri.
He's better wide in such a system because with his workrate and intelligent runs those who do have the above capabilities can find him.
Fernandinho is a much better CM than Milner.
Bit of a surprise this signing today surprised we went back in after what happened last week he's lucky really.. On the plus side think we've got a bit if a bargain and he's defiantly an inprovemnt on fernando.

Fabian was 99.9% sure he was going to sign for us as long as six weeks ago. His head has been in a spin this week with the birth of his kid.

On Wednesday, he didn't really know if he was coming or going. With all that was going on his families lives, Fabian fell for the tugging on the heart strings appeals from Villa fans. It was only by the end of Wednesday that Fabian realised he had made a mistake not signing for us and the rest his history.

He is a good guy who looks after his family and friends. He's not been messing is about for the sake of it!
That is absolute bollocks about Milner. He's never been booed still a fans favourite, most were still hoping he'd come back ( before we fucked about at the bottom of the league for another season).

Barry did a Sterling, bleated to the press about wanting to play Champions league football, and then joined City who weren't in the Champions League. He made the right decision but at the time it Made him look a twat.

I'm starting to soften a bit about Delph. He's a dick, and bad at making decisions, but I for one actually believe he is honest. Sadly I don't think he's good enough for a top 4 midfield but the proof is in the pudding and he wants to try it.

Any way there's my perspective, hopefully with some balance to the anti villa bias.

Barry knew exactly what was happening at City, he knew CL football was just around the corner.
That is absolute bollocks about Milner. He's never been booed still a fans favourite, most were still hoping he'd come back ( before we fucked about at the bottom of the league for another season).

Barry did a Sterling, bleated to the press about wanting to play Champions league football, and then joined City who weren't in the Champions League. He made the right decision but at the time it Made him look a twat.

I'm starting to soften a bit about Delph. He's a dick, and bad at making decisions, but I for one actually believe he is honest. Sadly I don't think he's good enough for a top 4 midfield but the proof is in the pudding and he wants to try it.

Any way there's my perspective, hopefully with some balance to the anti villa bias.
Are we not in the Champions League next season?

I'm failing to see how "Barry did a Sterling" by your reasoning?
Fabian was 99.9% sure he was going to sign for us as long as six weeks ago. His head has been in a spin this week with the birth of his kid.

On Wednesday, he didn't really know if he was coming or going. With all that was going on his families lives, Fabian fell for the tugging on the heart strings appeals from Villa fans. It was only by the end of Wednesday that Fabian realised he had made a mistake not signing for us and the rest his history.

He is a good guy who looks after his family and friends. He's not been messing is about for the sake of it!
That's the important thing, that even though he had recommitted to Villa, his regret at turning us down weighed down so heavy that he came in the end, even if it meant he looked like a prize cock. It's brave to do something like that and I think he'll do well here.
Feel sorry for Villa in all honesty, he was their captain for fucks sake. I know loyalty is bullshit in football but he should of stayed with them. If we were at the arse end of the table we would have devastated.
Villa fan here.

The problem is he's nowhere near as good as Milner. I was gutted when Milner left, if Delph had left on a free without all loyalty bollocks, captain this etc, there would have been nowhere near the same issue.

I'm intrigued to see how delph will get on, it's not too long ago that he was though of as a headless chicken with a reckless tackle. Whilst I think he is more effective now, he doesn't score many, assist many or made villa tough to beat (might be easier at City). I have seen both Milner and Delph play for Villa, Milner was a far better CM than Delph, but couldn't get in at City in the middle (from what I saw of City) so I fear for Delph.

Hi mate, thanks for posting. I've always had a lot of time for Villa, along with Everton. Leeds and Spurs I've always felt we're similar sized clubs with similar fan bases who want their team to do well but don't have the sense of entitlement that some of the "traditionally bigger clubs" fans have.

I'm surprised you rate Milner higher than Delph at centre mid. Milner was a really popular player among City fans, but I and many others thought he was a little bit short technically to play centrally for us. I've watched Delph a few times and always been really impressed with him. Great feet, quick in the legs and in the brain.

I think Milner is the kind of player who looks better in a team playing at a slightly lower standard. A team where he takes extra responsibility and kind of Roy of the Rovers' it a bit. But when he steps up to the higher level, he's found a little bit wanting. Whereas Delph looks the kind of player who can't do it all himself, but rather can play a vital role as part of a well oiled machine playing at a higher level.

You'll have seen a whole lot more of Delph than me, but from what I have seen, he seems to have a great touch, makes quick decisions on the ball and plays sharp incisive passes. Would you say that is accurate? Because when Milner plays in the middle for us he struggled with the technical and decision making aspect. He needed a touch, than a look, then he made his decision of where to pass. He stood out a mile when compared to Yaya and Fernandinho because they know where they are passing it before they've even received the ball.

Whereas I appreciate Milner may have looked better for Villa, I think Delph will look better for City at the level our other players are at. What do you think? Cheers Chap!

when he signed his new deal..

then less than a week ago committed his future to Villa again!

I know to many this might sound like sour grapes and i guess that comes into it a little, But Delph spent 3 seasons on the treatment table supported by the club who then gave him his chance to shine!

and to be clear, this is not about him leaving, its about the way he lied to the fans! but the only truth in the above picture is him showing what kind of man he is i suppose!?

anyway, no grudges eh? best of luck for the season!
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