Player Topic: Raheem Sterling (2015/16)

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I like him. He will keep growing into the team. If our players had been firing on all cylinders this season he would have plenty more assists. His shooting needs work and he still looks tentative and scared to make a mistake.

At 20, if he applies himself there will be no qualms over his development and quality.
Seems to me he is being told to wait for kolarov because that is how we play,with the fab 4 i would like mp to hold kolarov back a bit but we all know he won't.We are not using Raheem's best asset,his pace
Sterling is a very good player...He's 20 years the time he's in his mis 20s he has the potential to become one of the best players in the world

He should be supported not derided
I think everybody knows that a player only reach his potential when hitting the 24~25 year old mark.
The problem is that Raheem being an English fellow with potential, and as such, is terribly overpriced from his actual value.
Would he be german, he would have cost less than half the amounts we paid for.
This is what some people can't get a grip about, they expect him to deliver today performances worthy of his price tag but
fell to accept waiting for him to hit his peak years, albeit in three to four years.
Secondly, he could still go the Joe Cole and Balotelli way and never fulfill his potential, don't write that scenario down.
But that is the thrill of following a young homegrown lad with potential, don't get your expectations to high and enjoy the ride.
We are lucky to have Raheem and in a couple of years he'll be demolishing teams on our behalf!!! If we had a fully fit vinny and mangala like at the start of the season Raheem would've flying! I think he's missed Merlin as well to be honest.
In general, people seem to be forgetting that it takes time for things to gel on the pitch. KDB clearly wasn't on the same page with everyone else last night and that is understandable. It will take months, possibly, for Raheen, Silva, KDB, & Aguero to learn to play together. Barca were playing well below their expectations at this time last year. It was not until January that the Neymar, Suarez, Messi recipe finally clicked. Sterling definitely looks like he is playing how someone is telling him to play, rather than freely. I expect Manuel to loosen the reigns as the months go by, to let all 4 players interchange and work across the pitch to terrorize defenses. It all looks quite rudimentary at the moment, which isn't really a surprise to me. Lots of good film from last night for the guys to watch and understand each others' movements. I'd expect some people on here to continue to be frustrated over the next few games, particularly if Raheem still doesn't have the license to roam a bit...
Either you are completely blinded by the fact you feel the need to defend an English player and one that we took from Liverpool, or you are taking the mick. I know loads of Cityfans standing around me yesterday will ask themselves the same question towards your opinion.

Going with the fact you are blinded it's really no use stating my opinion, as you seem thrilled by a player that is scared to have a go at is opponent, runs around hiding, and prefers to risklessly laying balls back or sideways. Yes his opponent got booked for a foul on him. It was the one or two times from maybe 4 attemps to go pass his opponent. In 90 minutes. Brilliant. Yes he put in 2 or 3 crosses that actually we were worth chasing. In 90 minutes. Fantastic.

I don't slagg the player (I do slagg your opinion) because he's 20, City is a new club to him, he can't help we overpayed. And he has had a few good games for us. Better than yesterday. But so far he's not worth anything near what City paid for him, neither was he when playing for Liverpool. I and many others hope he will bring it to us, actually I believe he can because the talent is there. That's how far it goes for me right now.

Did we pay too much? Yes. Has he done well so far? Yes. Should he take defenders on a bit more? Perhaps he should but before we are too critical we would need to know what instructions he gets from the coach.
I'm just using this season to watch Raheem, not critique. He is TWENTY years old. He is playing in a side that is far and away the most talented he's been in during his senior career. This is a year for growth for him. Just think of what two years of playing in a side of our level will do for him...and he will still only be 22!
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