Player topic: Yaya Toure 2014/15 (continued)

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Starting to feel vindicated in my decision not to applaud this knobhead since "You didn't get me a cake/You didn't let me visit my brother" gate.
mosssideblue said:
What's the feeling on here to letting him go on the cheap just to get him off the wage bill and out of sight?
Yep, I think the time of selling him for a large fee has come and gone. I think we could get £10 million at most for him. We'll save around £20 or £30 million on wages alone.
mosssideblue said:
What's the feeling on here to letting him go on the cheap just to get him off the wage bill and out of sight?

Given the fact he is 32 at the end of the season and on top dollar I'd be happy to get £10m for him.

We mustn't fall for this loan and pay part of his wages shit though.
Wilf Wild 1937 said:
mosssideblue said:
What's the feeling on here to letting him go on the cheap just to get him off the wage bill and out of sight?

Given the fact he is 32 at the end of the season and on top dollar I'd be happy to get £10m for him.

We mustn't fall for this loan and pay part of his wages shit though.

I agree, his heart hasn't been in it for the majority of this season, if not all, pretty much since "cake gate" don't play games, let him go, get a top replacement in ASAP, as well as any other targets, get them working together it whatever system is being used.

He's been bigging up Mancini "father figure" etc... thats his level now, Serie A, he'll get time and space to dictate games there.
So long Yaya, thanks for everything you did, but that cake has left us with a bit of indigestion................
At 24 million he was a steal. He was one of the greats and it was a privilege to watch him play for us week in week out. One of our most important players and at the heart of all of our recent success. Shame that his antics since the summer will have ruined his legacy here for many. With that said I think now is the right time to get rid of him provided we can find a suitable replacement.
big big players have egos to match, every bit as big as those who think they run the club,
until its decided or proven that they are the problem, and they run out of scapegoats
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