Player topic: Yaya Toure (2014/15)

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Re: Yaya?

I'm not knee-jerking to last night's showing but it does look like pre-season suspicions may be confirmed. We've had the best out of Yaya now and should be planning for our next phase without him.

If he comes good in the meantime, then fantastic. Let's not bank on it. And it still wouldn't make him a long term prospect.

No improved contract, please. He hasn't earned one and is not our future.
Re: Yaya?

johnmc said:
The Goat 10 said:
Watching him fanny around with Pep whilst all the other lads were distraught had me seething, he really needs to sort his act out or he's going to ruin his legacy with this club fast.

Watch it back - MDM was another laughing and chatting away with former colleagus. Any words for him?

The fact MDM put a shift in for 90 minutes, wasn't an absolute nightmare all summer and has been 100% committed to the cause since returning from the World Cup means no, I don't have the same words for him.

I love Yaya like any other blue but he was a disgrace at times last night, happily allowing Fernandinho to pick up his defensive load as well as his own. He's looked overweight and disinterested since returning and yes, no doubt he will get fitter at some point and back to his best, but after a performance like that he shouldn't be having a laugh and a joke after doing fuck all all night, a fully committed Yaya would of made the difference in that game last night.
Re: Yaya?

johnmc said:
The Goat 10 said:
Watching him fanny around with Pep whilst all the other lads were distraught had me seething, he really needs to sort his act out or he's going to ruin his legacy with this club fast.

Watch it back - MDM was another laughing and chatting away with former colleagus. Any words for him?

Just goes to show doesn't it how peoples mentality and attitude affects what others see! Do think Toure has brought some of it on himself with his/agents antics over the summer, but it's not like he was jumping up and down celebrating with the Bayern players.
Re: Yaya?

The Goat 10 said:
johnmc said:
The Goat 10 said:
Watching him fanny around with Pep whilst all the other lads were distraught had me seething, he really needs to sort his act out or he's going to ruin his legacy with this club fast.

Watch it back - MDM was another laughing and chatting away with former colleagus. Any words for him?

The fact MDM put a shift in for 90 minutes, wasn't an absolute nightmare all summer and has been 100% committed to the cause since returning from the World Cup means no, I don't have the same words for him.

I love Yaya like any other blue but he was a disgrace at times last night, happily allowing Fernandinho to pick up his defensive load as well as his own. He's looked overweight and disinterested since returning and yes, no doubt he will get fitter at some point and back to his best, but after a performance like that he shouldn't be having a laugh and a joke after doing fuck all all night, a fully committed Yaya would of made the difference in that game last night.

But as the stats proved above Yaya ran more than Fernandinho. Without being funny, i think you and I and many others watched the game on tv. There is a hell of a lot you dont see on TV than when you are in the stadium. Im not saying Yaya had the best game but it was in no way as bad as some were making out and him talking to a former colleague after the game proves nothing - he could have been saying "you jammy so and so's, how much did you pay the ref" - you just dont know.
Re: Yaya?

Well, I'm just a bit bemused that people seem to be noticing it now. S'pose cause it was a big game. He looked almost as though he was sulking in the Liverpool game — to this observer at any rate — and he was downright sluggish against Stoke.
Re: Yaya?

johnmc said:
The Goat 10 said:
johnmc said:
Watch it back - MDM was another laughing and chatting away with former colleagus. Any words for him?

The fact MDM put a shift in for 90 minutes, wasn't an absolute nightmare all summer and has been 100% committed to the cause since returning from the World Cup means no, I don't have the same words for him.

I love Yaya like any other blue but he was a disgrace at times last night, happily allowing Fernandinho to pick up his defensive load as well as his own. He's looked overweight and disinterested since returning and yes, no doubt he will get fitter at some point and back to his best, but after a performance like that he shouldn't be having a laugh and a joke after doing fuck all all night, a fully committed Yaya would of made the difference in that game last night.

But as the stats proved above Yaya ran more than Fernandinho. Without being funny, i think you and I and many others watched the game on tv. There is a hell of a lot you dont see on TV than when you are in the stadium. Im not saying Yaya had the best game but it was in no way as bad as some were making out and him talking to a former colleague after the game proves nothing - he could have been saying "you jammy so and so's, how much did you pay the ref" - you just dont know.

Fair point, to be fair it is easy to lay our frustrations at his door for last nights result due to his actions over the summer.

Just a disappointing 24 hours in general.
Re: Yaya?

So your brother dies. You play in the world cup. You come back and have a few bad games.

And, what then? Just tossed off to the side. Dropped for Scott Sinclair?

I am actually not defending him. He was pretty crap in the second half but I think better in the first than a lot are giving him credit for. I'm just saying that you don't do your players like that and expect to ever recruit a big name. Or retain the others.

What I think you do is what the club probably will do. Stay quiet. Don't embarrass the guy publicly by benching him for Scott Sinclair or whoever. Manage him as best as you can to get the most out of him this year. But you do your business next summer and shuffle him off to the less demanding environment of Paris or wherever and issue a statement about what an absolute legend he has been.

It's a difficult balancing act. If you just smack him in the face now you're telling the other players that is what happens to them here upon their first bad stretch. But if you just kiss his arse and let him do whatever it also hurts morale and encourages laziness. That's why they pay Pellers the big money I guess!
Re: Yaya

chris8910 said:
now i dont comment on here a lot, i have had quite a few to drink but what sort of c**t of a player laughs and jokes with an opposition manager moments after loosing a game!! (the biggest game of the champs league away from home)
is it me on this or do other people think he is a c**t too?

Always thought he was a prima donna even when he was doing well for us - since this summer I have realised he is a first class c*nt - The likes of Fernandinho and Navas ran themselves into the ground for the team and Yaya was a f*cking disgrace. Secretly there must be plenty of City players who wouldn't miss him if he left.

So whats the deal with the City Management - why do they NEVER sub him no matter how sh*t, lazy or f*cking useless he is - all a paying fan wants to see is their players giving 100% ... This guy is a c*nt, doesn't deserve to be on the pitch with players giving there everything for the City cause.


TW*T !!!!!!!!
Re: Yaya?

johnmc said:
The Goat 10 said:
johnmc said:
Watch it back - MDM was another laughing and chatting away with former colleagus. Any words for him?

The fact MDM put a shift in for 90 minutes, wasn't an absolute nightmare all summer and has been 100% committed to the cause since returning from the World Cup means no, I don't have the same words for him.

I love Yaya like any other blue but he was a disgrace at times last night, happily allowing Fernandinho to pick up his defensive load as well as his own. He's looked overweight and disinterested since returning and yes, no doubt he will get fitter at some point and back to his best, but after a performance like that he shouldn't be having a laugh and a joke after doing fuck all all night, a fully committed Yaya would of made the difference in that game last night.

But as the stats proved above Yaya ran more than Fernandinho. Without being funny, i think you and I and many others watched the game on tv. There is a hell of a lot you dont see on TV than when you are in the stadium. Im not saying Yaya had the best game but it was in no way as bad as some were making out and him talking to a former colleague after the game proves nothing - he could have been saying "you jammy so and so's, how much did you pay the ref" - you just dont know.
Yaya contributed nothing in the second half. He may well have run around a fair bit but he wasn't closing down at the right times, tackling or intercepting. and on the ball he did absolutely nothing, he wasn't creating good forward moves, wasn't keeping the ball like he should have done (and normally does) and wasn't creating opportunities for his teammates.

He may well have covered some ground last night but his second half football contribution with the bag of air they kick around was close to zero. His demeanor on the ball and when players were waltzing past him was that of someone who would rather have been elsewhere.
Re: Yaya?

johnmc said:
onceabluealways said:
DruryBlue said:
Right, got them and have to say the stats surprise me:

Alonso 7.51 miles (12.09km)
Alaba 11.44 (7.11)
Gotze 11.41 (7.09)
Lahm 11.29 (7.02)
Silva 11.10 (7.02)
Navas 11.07 (6.88)
Toure 10.89 (6.77)
Fernandinho 10.65 (6.62)
Sagna 10.37 (6.44)

Although look at the top four - all Bayern. Work harder than the oppo and win the match. Same for Dortmund the other night.

OK, YaYa, let's see how you stack up against Chelski on Sunday. I'll retract my criticism until then (still think he's head isn't with us though).

Doesn't mean a lot if 80% of the mileage is walking around

I think the fact the top 4 were Bayern players shows it does count for a bit.

Total distance covered isn't a particular sensitive or significant indicator of performance.

If those distances were split into intensity of movement categories then it would allow for more interpretation.

In my opinion and from watching the match on TV, Yaya was very poor last night both from a work-rate perspective and the influence he had on the game. Nothing new from him though, particularly in Europe.
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