Players allegedly singing “Allez” song

We have. But we havnt lost 96 fans, shouldn't be an excuse that but you'd think they'd know better.

I mean how the fuck can these feral fuckers go on about that song while hundreds if not thousands are singing their hearts out to Munich.

Two face hypocritical wankstains.

Cant be them, it must have been a set up by Rag fans.
Need to start this on Saturday, it’s class.

The scousers finished second...
With only one defeat
Smashing up a coach
Nd crying over tweets
The wind blew over Salah
We always knew he'd fall
They say they'll win it next year
But their gonna win fuck all

Allez Allez allez

Credit: Jenna pannell
(I did change the first line)
Spread the word
Same when we went there, pretty terrifying at times. With the scousers it was across the board, old grannies and men not just youths hated us. Not forgetting Merseyside's finest, their so called police force.

yeah...telling you if you get sliced it's your own fault for coming

This absolutely squares with my experience of going over to Anfield in the 70s. As far as battering in the streets goes, they've handed out more than their fair share.
Only we have all hear the always the victim never your fault argument a thousand times and know perfectly well what this means.
I’ll tell you what it means. That they have been the aggressors on so many fcukin occasions but it suits them to use use one particular injustice - albeit a tragic one - to deflect the shit.

It’s a long term trait too. I can remember going to Liverpool as a kid in the early 60s and seeing Munich 1958 painted on a road bridge as you enter the city.

Now, I’m not saying we are 100% lily-white but we aren’t the ones who are perma-gobbing shite and victimhood.

The simple issue here is they fcukin lost, they hate us and there are too many wankers in the media prepared to give them a hearing in the interests of audience numbers.
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I think the players/staff were wrong to sing that song. They clearly did not think of the upset and hurt such a song can do. I speak from personal experience as I was subjected to some nasty songs. Fortunately for me it all stopped very quickly when my mum told the teacher what was happening.

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