Players allegedly singing “Allez” song

Which players?

From that video I can hear a handful of people singing the opening lines.

When the line about Sterling kicks in I can hear a few more joining in but still can't identify any players.

Then the Allez bit starts and I can see Gundo, Sandler and Poveda banging the overhead luggage compartments but don't appear to be chanting.

I can also identify Laporte and Muric but as far as I can see they are not involved.
Exactly what I saw and heard on that clip . It’s been blown out of proportion from the losers .
Surely the words sung on the team 'plane were "bartered on the streets"?

Nothing more than a cheeky doff of the cap to the decades of successful European away days enjoyed by our scouse chums. They would visit local shops and try to negotiate an appropriate (though fair) discount, off the souvenirs they were interested in taking back to their loving families.

"Vicks - tins of it all" is of course a reference to the vapour-rub that all sensible travellers keep with them when exploring foreign lands.
I think that's stretching it, battered in the streets is glorifying violent behaviour, victims of it all. "All" is all.

I know city fans are just fed up to the back teeth of Liverpool and the media's love in with them. I know that when people sing it Hillsborough and Sean Cox is not in their minds at all. It's just anti-Liverpool and stems from seasons rivalry and their own behaviour over time, but nevertheless if you ask me what I think of the meaning of the lyrics, I don't like them, and I am disappointed that you seek to justify them.

We should keep the essence of the song, and change a few words. I hate the reporting of this as much any City fan but we should still behave respectfully and properly.
It's a little ditty sung by us to poke fun at the scousers. there is no malice intended from it it will be sung again and it will be sang loudly
You seem to be trying to make more of it than it is and I don't think anyone is trying to justify anything by defending the singing of the ditty.
I recon some souls are more sensitive to such things than others and I think you are high on the sensitivity scale with this one
Where as others arent
Little song to kick off to the tune of their favourite "yellow submarine"

"Bricked our bus, then we beat you to the league/beat you to the league/beat you to the league".

Simple, repetitive and will leave no doubt what utter dirtbags they are.
Yes, we’ve sung it, but I don’t remember it being sung like this?

We have. But we havnt lost 96 fans, shouldn't be an excuse that but you'd think they'd know better.

I mean how the fuck can these feral fuckers go on about that song while hundreds if not thousands are singing their hearts out to Munich.

Two face hypocritical wankstains.

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