Players have their say - and we should listen

moomba said:
Dhenry said:
what would there be to stop one of them saying 'he's not doing his job'. The coffin of Hughes would really be sealed properly if a player did that.

Last person to try something remotely similar was Elano - fined, dropped, publicly criticised, subject of "leaked" articles throughout the year, packed off to Turkey and still being blamed for everything wrong at the club nearly a year later.
Yes I'm shocked there haven't been more "getting over the issues Elano left at the club stories" I guess if things get any worse they will start soon enough.
Fantastic, now start showing it on the pitch where you're all paid around 75k-160k+ a week to..let's see perform?
moomba said:
Dhenry said:
what would there be to stop one of them saying 'he's not doing his job'. The coffin of Hughes would really be sealed properly if a player did that.

Last person to try something remotely similar was Elano - fined, dropped, publicly criticised, subject of "leaked" articles throughout the year, packed off to Turkey and still being blamed for everything wrong at the club nearly a year later.
I always said he completely underestimated the demand for Chicken Balti pies and never ordered enough.
Prestwich_Blue said:
moomba said:
Last person to try something remotely similar was Elano - fined, dropped, publicly criticised, subject of "leaked" articles throughout the year, packed off to Turkey and still being blamed for everything wrong at the club nearly a year later.
I always said he completely underestimated the demand for Chicken Balti pies and never ordered enough.

According to well placed sources, Elano was a big fan of raisins as well.
100% effort off the players 100% backing of the fans.

but the players need 100% belief in the system they are being asked to play in and i think this is the root of our problem the player dont believe in our system
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
The reason that I do not want him to be given any more time is that I think that this constant, constant spinning, excuse making, blaming and self confessed inability to form relationships with players is a sign of a serious flaw in his managerial personality. He wouldn't be the first or last manager to have a flaw but I, and it's just an opinion, am convinced that he has such a flaw.

I cannot stand people in any line of business who are not honest and who are self serving excuse makers, willing to pass the buck to anyone or say anything to save their own skin. And that is how I view Hughes now. In fact, I have done for some time. Perhaps I have become slightly obsessed but there's plenty of evidence to back up my point of view.

He might be a nice bloke in person - no reason to think other wise - but I am in a position where I now loathe his professional image/style. More than the tactical mistakes, more than the bad results, more than anything else, I just can't stand seeing someone in charge at City who exhibits such traits.

It won't bother some people - fair enough. Some people will think I am going over the top - fair enough. But I just can't stand it and behind all that is the opinion that someone who is so obsessed with never acknowledging responsibility cannot be good for where this club wants to be going. It is not what top managers do. Top players will not respond to it.

No-one, imo, who exhibits this trait to the extreme extent that Hughes has and continues to do so, can ever be successful manager at the very top level.

I would just love him to once, just once, come out and say, "the team has not performed for a long time, just like last season and I take responsibility for that. I've got to work harder and improve my performance because the buck stops with me. So gt off the players' backs."

Even though I wouldn't change my mind on him, he would (not that it's of any concern to anyone) gain a bit of respect from me. But I won't hold my breath. Being full of excuses and constantly being referred to as "not a players' manager" was a hallmark of his time at Blackburn. It's not going to change here.

NQT said:
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
The reason that I do not want him to be given any more time is that I think that this constant, constant spinning, excuse making, blaming and self confessed inability to form relationships with players is a sign of a serious flaw in his managerial personality. He wouldn't be the first or last manager to have a flaw but I, and it's just an opinion, am convinced that he has such a flaw.

I cannot stand people in any line of business who are not honest and who are self serving excuse makers, willing to pass the buck to anyone or say anything to save their own skin. And that is how I view Hughes now. In fact, I have done for some time. Perhaps I have become slightly obsessed but there's plenty of evidence to back up my point of view.

He might be a nice bloke in person - no reason to think other wise - but I am in a position where I now loathe his professional image/style. More than the tactical mistakes, more than the bad results, more than anything else, I just can't stand seeing someone in charge at City who exhibits such traits.

It won't bother some people - fair enough. Some people will think I am going over the top - fair enough. But I just can't stand it and behind all that is the opinion that someone who is so obsessed with never acknowledging responsibility cannot be good for where this club wants to be going. It is not what top managers do. Top players will not respond to it.

No-one, imo, who exhibits this trait to the extreme extent that Hughes has and continues to do so, can ever be successful manager at the very top level.

I would just love him to once, just once, come out and say, "the team has not performed for a long time, just like last season and I take responsibility for that. I've got to work harder and improve my performance because the buck stops with me. So gt off the players' backs."

Even though I wouldn't change my mind on him, he would (not that it's of any concern to anyone) gain a bit of respect from me. But I won't hold my breath. Being full of excuses and constantly being referred to as "not a players' manager" was a hallmark of his time at Blackburn. It's not going to change here.

Can I play devil's advocate here for a minute, do you think there is a chance that, at least in part his professional image/style is brought about at City because he is was an unpopular figure from the moment he was appointed. In otherwords the club has been forced into this type of action, because they know that the manager has a lower level of goodwill from the fans than someone else might have?
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Can I play devil's advocate here for a minute, do you think there is a chance that, at least in part his professional image/style is brought about at City because he is was an unpopular figure from the moment he was appointed. In otherwords the club has been forced into this type of action, because they know that the manager has a lower level of goodwill from the fans than someone else might have?

There was an element that didn't like him or want him at the club (me included in it), but by and large people were prepared to give him a chance.

But when it comes down to it, if the owners support him it shouldn't really need a constant stream of PR puff pieces to talk him up. I'd rather we concentrate on planted stories correcting some of the criticism our players have faced in recent times, and try and boost their confidence.

It will have a twofold effect, better performances from players will also improve our performances and rather than being constantly told what a good manager Hughes is, we'll be able to see with our own eyes.
DontLookBackInAnger said:
NQT said:
Can I play devil's advocate here for a minute, do you think there is a chance that, at least in part his professional image/style is brought about at City because he is was an unpopular figure from the moment he was appointed. In otherwords the club has been forced into this type of action, because they know that the manager has a lower level of goodwill from the fans than someone else might have?

Possibly. Who can say whether that is part of his motivation.

The one thing you can say for certain though is that if his managerial performance had been up to scratch during his time here then he would not have to be in spin/excuse/dampening expectations/bullshitting overdrive 24/7.

When he was at Blackburn though he was still always full of excuses, even if they were going fairly well. His major target then though was referees. He was (although I don't think he has been too bad re refs whilst here) as bad as, if not worse than, Fergie when it came to trying to blame every poor result on the standard of refereeing. I used to slaughter him for it regularly to my mates so I remember it well. He would swear black was white rather than admit that they had not been hard done by at times.

In fact, that was my only reservation when he was appointed here and I discussed it on here at the time. Not a big enough reservation for me not to want him, just something that I didn't like in him whilst at Blackburn. I don't like it in any manager and there are/were a few other candidates who do the same thing who I would have similar reservatons about.

As I've said though, he has not been too bad when it comes to blaming refs for his setbacks whilst here - which has pleasantly surprised me. But he has more than made up for it with his scatter gun approach to blaming everyone, anyone and anything else for anything that has gone wrong for him.

Even if he felt that he had a lack of goodwill here initially - which I completely disagree with, I think he had plenty of goodwill for at least the majority of last season and for the early part of this season - then I don't expect the manager to be the sort of petty character that sees that as a signal to adopt a "But it wasn't meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" approach. It's bollocks. I want a leader. Someone who knows what they are responsible for and is honest about it. Someone who, at the very least doesn't attempt to shift the blame to all areas and take people for idiots with constant rewritting of what is a reasonable expectation (and I'm not just talking about this season).

PS: What I find hilarious, in a flaberghasted type of way, is that hours after this thread is started that puff piece appears in the Evening News, backing up the two articles on here. The campaign continues. A myriad of reasons referenced as to what and who is to blame for results and expectations. And never a single mention of what the manager might have contributed to this. It is so ridiculous that it is laughble. The campaign is in full swing once again and it is a fucking insult to everyone who it is designed to influence.

Mods - any chance of removing those daft faces from that quote? I look like a real self praising **** with them in their - (although I obviously agree wholeheartedly with their sentiment and respect the poster as a man of great wisdom)
I guess some people will always see what they want to see - I think when I'd point out to a negative person from here an oasis in the desert, they'd moan about the volume of desert around it.

Some of the discussion here has gone to very ridiculous lengths. My point was originally, that even if people here don't like the manager and his press conferences or have lost faith in his training or whatnot, the players should still by large have our support. If one starts to question the players' statements and motives as well - I'm sorry, but pass your ticket on to someone who actually wants to be there.

Not saying there haven't been some valid arguments here - but I think with them, the thread has kind of lost what I wanted it to get across. The players are asking for our wholehearted support. Come matchday, let's give it to them. I really don't want to see CoMS being a home of the boo-boys and a library atmosphere.

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