Players targeted / Leg breaker hack on Sterling and kdb

A really simple way to approach this would be to adopt rugby's (both codes I think) rule of allowing the referee, with a raise of the hands, to book a player whilst also placing them on 'report.' This is a signal to show the incident will be examined further, with a future ban possible.

It's not fucking rocket science is it.
Excellent point.
Typical of Jesus.

He leaves the spotlight at Christmas time, only reappear around Easter! ;)

And you can bet had it been the other way round Pep would be the first to criticise our player. I suspect if one of own deliberately injured another player they would face a severe reprimand, almost to the point of having their contract terminated. That's how highly Pep values sportsmanship in the game.

Winning alone isn't enough for him. Winning with honesty and integrity is everything.

Why can't other pros and managers play the game in the same way as Pep.

The paying public want entertainment, not thuggery!
Time for video replay. Wouldn’t take a moment to review to red card these poor challenges.
Excellent point.
A lot of what should be done isn't rocket science but for whatever reason football doesn't want to go down that route. Take the KDB incident, fine to wave play on as we were breaking but in the meantime a 4th official is reviewing the incident as they do in rugby. It's then a quick message via an earpiece to tell the ref it's a red. Even if we weren't breaking and Moss had given us a free kick again it would only take seconds to review and for Moss to be told it's a red
Who exactly told Moss about the assault He was trundling in the wake of our breakaway so some lickspittle told him but must have downplayed his version.
Could some clever person GIF the 4 (or is it more?) tackles that should have resulted in a red so we can see them in there entirety?
The challenges by Dann and Puncheon on KDB were a disgrace. This is one of the reasons why England does not produce talented players and has been in the international wilderness for decades. There are too many managers who think this sort of behaviour is acceptable. Skilful players have been kicked by clodhoppers for generations. A lot of the pundits treat it as a bit of a joke. They are morons.
Spot on.. posted elsewhere that Danny Murphy and the rest of ‘The Brains Trust’ that comprises football pundits in this country should all be ashamed of their recent assertions that the way to stop City is to leave a boot in.. Footballing dinosaurs, each and every one of them..

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