Players targeted / Leg breaker hack on Sterling and kdb

No none taken. Obviously the talk is around the Puncheon tackle and again I am not sure, if as suggested the attempt is to injure our players what Puncheon would gain?

If it had been the first few minutes it may have put him out of the match but realistically the timing of the tackle would only impact on forthcoming matches against Palaces possible relegation rivals. Where is the benefit there?. I do also struggle with someone having the intent to injure someone and also if these were the tactics did they come from Roy Hodgson?. It could be argued I am being naive but I see no reason why someone like Puncheon would have such a hatred for KDB he would purposely try and commit a career threatening tackle. You would have to really hate someone to behave in such away and where does this vitriol come from?

Still it was a terribly timed challenge, in desperation to stop a break, and deserving of a red. Intent or not he needs punishing. Like most I think retrospective guidelines need changing and those tackles punished with the earlier post about Rugby being the best strategy put forward.
If you want to understand why someone would deliberately hurt another player then your best bet is to ask Danny Murphy, he is paid a lot of money for that shit
No none taken. Obviously the talk is around the Puncheon tackle and again I am not sure, if as suggested the attempt is to injure our players what Puncheon would gain?

If it had been the first few minutes it may have put him out of the match but realistically the timing of the tackle would only impact on forthcoming matches against Palaces possible relegation rivals. Where is the benefit there?. I do also struggle with someone having the intent to injure someone and also if these were the tactics did they come from Roy Hodgson?. It could be argued I am being naive but I see no reason why someone like Puncheon would have such a hatred for KDB he would purposely try and commit a career threatening tackle. You would have to really hate someone to behave in such away and where does this vitriol come from?

Still it was a terribly timed challenge, in desperation to stop a break, and deserving of a red. Intent or not he needs punishing. Like most I think retrospective guidelines need changing and those tackles punished with the earlier post about Rugby being the best strategy put forward.
If you caught your neighbour shagging your wife you'd say he slipped and his dick fell up her.
Danny fucking no mark Murphy, you have got exactly what you called for, you clueless useless cunnt. The spurs and palace players have done exactly what you asked for, is that really your vision of how football should be played? If what you said isn’t incitement to cause actual bodily harm then what is? You are a highly paid pundit on national tv, and on that basis people listen to you, however tactically inept and fucking ignorant you are. You are a horrible, one dimensional brainless turd
do you really think Kane and Alli and Puncheon were up watching match of the day and thought "yes Danny is right, I'm going to kick fuck out of them"? Kanes was bad but not intentional, Alli and Puncheon have form for this and dont need no mark Danny Murphy to tell them what to do. Too much weight is afforded a shit pundit.
do you really think Kane and Alli and Puncheon were up watching match of the day and thought "yes Danny is right, I'm going to kick fuck out of them"? Kanes was bad but not intentional, Alli and Puncheon have form for this and dont need no mark Danny Murphy to tell them what to do. Too much weight is afforded a shit pundit.
So if his opinion counts for fuck all why is he paid thousands of pounds an appearance for it? Kane’s by the way was as intentional as Ali’s, it was a fucking disgusting challenge
He’s not on Twitter, I know, I did an extensive search.
Lucky for him then,still think he needs called out possibly the next time he’s on say talksport need someone to phone in but not rant as that gets you nowhere just someone who is articulate and basically asking him to explain what he meant by his words..
So if his opinion counts for fuck all why is he paid thousands of pounds an appearance for it? Kane’s by the way was as intentional as Ali’s, it was a fucking disgusting challenge
haha, they are meant to explain the game to football fans. Do you think Hodgson et al are hanging on Shearers every word Saturday night so they can employ his tactics?

"Pep, lets got its practice time"
"Hang on - Jermane Jenas has just released a piece on how to beat a packed defence"
haha, they are meant to explain the game to football fans. Do you think Hodgson et al are hanging on Shearers every word Saturday night so they can employ his tactics?
No but a basic message of hurt them, foul them, don’t let them past at any cost, doesn’t fucking help, does it? Tell you what, let’s take the crime of incitement off the statute books whilst we are at it

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