Players targeted / Leg breaker hack on Sterling and kdb

I am sure barely anybody outside our supporting fraternity sees anything wrong with these type of tackles -I am talking about British football pundits, journalists and the supporters from other clubs. A few probably go misty-eyed when seeing one of those nice, sweet, little reducers!
I think adding Kane challenge to your argument you dilute it. I dont see any difference between his challenge and Otemendi's when he booted Kane in the head.

Apart of course from the fact that Otamendi was attempting to play the ball, albeit ineptly and dangerously, whilst Kane was not. Kane realised he wasn't going to get the ball half way through the challenge, but then clearly pauses to size up his target and rams his studs into Sterling's leg. It was every bit as deliberate as Alli's on KDB in its intent
My major fear here is that the FA could and probably would put a more competitive title race over player safety.

I just don't see what we can do here as a club.

I admit, I used to hear the top teams moaning about this, wenger and his pleas for protection from referees etc, after all physicality and intimidating are valid tactics in the modern game. But that's a number of horrific, potentially career changing, injuries that just one club has received in just one month. Today's challenges and subsequent injuries could have been avoided if one of the highlighted challenges in recent games had resulted in a ban.

I'd like to see the PFA take this on too. For the protection of players health and mentality, there has to be a change to the rules to allow dangerous tackles to be reviewed post match even if a yellow was issued during the game. Madness that we talk about retrospective bans for diving but not for GBH with intent.
Its all opinions. I dont agree with yours. Similar challenges for me. Yellow is fair.

Alli's no. He seemed to go in with intent to catch Kevin.
It's those challenges that leave studs on the foot that get me and are often not seen. Silva got one of those today and could've easily have been a metatarsal fracture. Players know what they're doing the dirty bastards.
No none taken. Obviously the talk is around the Puncheon tackle and again I am not sure, if as suggested the attempt is to injure our players what Puncheon would gain?

If it had been the first few minutes it may have put him out of the match but realistically the timing of the tackle would only impact on forthcoming matches against Palaces possible relegation rivals. Where is the benefit there?. I do also struggle with someone having the intent to injure someone and also if these were the tactics did they come from Roy Hodgson?. It could be argued I am being naive but I see no reason why someone like Puncheon would have such a hatred for KDB he would purposely try and commit a career threatening tackle. You would have to really hate someone to behave in such away and where does this vitriol come from?

Still it was a terribly timed challenge, in desperation to stop a break, and deserving of a red. Intent or not he needs punishing. Like most I think retrospective guidelines need changing and those tackles punished with the earlier post about Rugby being the best strategy put forward.
I think the benefit is to the league at large, hence the veiled incentivisation that comes from leniency toward recklessness and dangerous play against our players.

It’s cynical but I’ve seen worse in my profession to be completely frank, Frank.
I hope Zabba kicks Puncheon 12 feet into the air when West Ham play Palace, once a blue!

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