Players targeted / Leg breaker hack on Sterling and kdb

Kane, Alli, Murphy and Puncheon all commit clear red card offences against us, yet none of them get punished. It's a fucking joke, and clearly instruction from the top.

Not sure about instruction from the top, but certainly instruction from somewhere. I would be looking towards betting syndicates who have links to officials and managers. I'm sure there are plenty of candidates who are partial to the odd brown envelope or two.
Definitely being targeted with approval from refs. Hence the yellow cards. The game is a fucking sham. Wouldn't be surprised if Guardiola packed his bags after this showing by the twats in power in England
Maybe he supports one of our title rivals and/or is friends with some of their players? Late in the game, take a red, which it should have been and seriously stop our progress by us losing a key player for months which could easily have happened.
If I was a cynical bloke I might think his career is over with a possible jail sentence and a few quid has been thrown his way, but that's well out there!!!
If I was City, I'd have a quiet word with the Premier League and FA and tell them that, if this continues, the next assault on one of our players will be reported to the police. Whilst the police wouldn't do anything, the very idea of external scrutiny and adverse publicity connected to their product would be sufficient to frighten them into doing something about it.
I've been getting a bit of stick on the BM thread about our players being targeted - largely because I'm saying that some challenges should be dealt with in the courts - as opposed to the Shearer 'Let football deal with it' mantra. Assault is assault - commit the crime and face the consequences. Glad someone agrees with me.
If I was City, I'd have a quiet word with the Premier League and FA and tell them that, if this continues, the next assault on one of our players will be reported to the police. Whilst the police wouldn't do anything, the very idea of external scrutiny and adverse publicity connected to their product would be sufficient to frighten them into doing something about it.
Sadly, I think it is going to come to that. The PiGMOL/FArce are spineless.
what's the betting one of ours goes in accidentally a little bit late on Tuesday and gets red carded, would sum this farce up. Or in the Dipper game as "revenge for Mane" due to some bizarre Dipper media logic.
have to remember with KDB there will also be a fair few who will see it as a badge of honour to take him out before the WC. No Surprise the 4 horrible tackles have all been English players though, it's not been the nasty Frenchmen or Dutch or Argentinians, just the English.
I don’t know could we for example, let it be known that we will be hiring a legal team to look into what seems to be orchestrated assaults on our players ? Additionally will be seeking to hold any nefariousness up to the light and financial recompense from those people for treatment of our players eg the ref for not allowing Jesus to receive treatment.

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