Players targeted / Leg breaker hack on Sterling and kdb

Yip it’s like a closed shop,you summed it perfectly there at the end “you haven’t played the game” houghton made a comment today after one of the presenters had mentioned a journalist had tweeted or whatever that the tackle on De Bruyne should be looked into houghton pipes up “ he got a yellow the ref dealt with it “ what a fucking bellend ...
He is an old school dipper and does a lot of work for Irish TV and Radio so these sort of biased comments are too be expected.
I don’t know could we for example, let it be known that we will be hiring a legal team to look into what seems to be orchestrated assaults on our players ? Additionally will be seeking to hold any nefariousness up to the light and financial recompense from those people for treatment of our players eg the ref for not allowing Jesus to receive treatment.

Good luck with that approach.

It would simply be dismissed as paranoia by the FA/ PGMOL mafia .
I don’t know could we for example, let it be known that we will be hiring a legal team to look into what seems to be orchestrated assaults on our players ? Additionally will be seeking to hold any nefariousness up to the light and financial recompense from those people for treatment of our players eg the ref for not allowing Jesus to receive treatment.

There might be some merit in this approach down the line. The problem would be putting together a legally convincing argument an orchestrated chain of events was in place and that the authorities were aware of this and failed to do anything about it. As football supporters we tend to get very emotional about these matters and this can cloud are judgement with respect to what might be a viable means of seeking redress.
Some people are getting a little carried away with this legal action thing. My understanding of ‘City’ hierarchy is that they will do nothing of the kind unless something is clearly illegal. All this poor tackling is open to interpretation. They will take action if statements are made that are clearly wrong such as us signing 5 year old kids but where something is a matter of opinion, which a lot of the actions are, (we all have opinions on them, and some of the offenders were booked) then we will take no action.

I know, it really me off that these guys appear to get away with it but things will only change if the media make a crusade of it and with the rags, dippers etc., dominated media it will only happen if it hits those teams particularly hard.
Before you said that Kane’s was an accident, well you are wrong, it was every bit as bad as Ali’s and just as intentional, the ONLY difference is how you perceive Ali and Kane as people
Agree with this. Kane and Puncheon were trying to stop the quick breakaway with legbreakers. Ali, snide over the top shithouse challenge to put the player out. Dann, also tried to put him out. Suffer, you scouse twat
if Messi starting his playing career in this league,
he will spent more time in physio room than on the field.
As long as KDB is fit for the Liverpool game in two weeks time, I think we should consider ourselves lucky.
If I was a cynical bloke I might think his career is over with a possible jail sentence and a few quid has been thrown his way, but that's well out there!!!

Players with certain affinities are trying to crock our key players, encouraged by certain comments made by present and former professionals, while a lilly livered FA do jack shit.

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