Players targeted / Leg breaker hack on Sterling and kdb

Talksport callers who can articulately back up their arguments and get the better of one-dimensional presenters are quickly switched off "Sorry, we've lost Cuthbert there...." Alternatively, they'll say (as per Ray Houghton) "You haven't played the game......"
“Arsene, how many times have we told you to stop calling in and focus on preparing your players for your next away draw!”
Just Googled this. Fair old number of pro footballers convicted in recent years in the criminal courts for on-field assaults.
NBCSN has just shown Pep’s comments about “protecting all the players”, then shown the Puncheon, Kane, Alli, and Murphy challenges in sequence. Robbie Earle unequivocally said that Pep has a point and that something needs to be done to protect players, City especially as we are a very technical side and so are on the end of more of these types of bad challenges. He said that we are lucky not to have serious long-term injuries in the last few weeks.

I bet the BBC, BT, and Sky barely even mention the challenge today or any of the previous ones, much less discuss about them as they should be.
From all of the comments on here about the British media, it’s clear to me that NBCSN is vastly superior just simply because they don’t let their personal bias / fanbase pandering influence their commentary nearly to the extent that is done in the British media. ESPNFC is also on top of the City player targeting issue. Hard to believe that anyone other than neanderthals thinks this sort of “tactic” is fair play.
So would todays tackle in your opinion warrant such action?
If it did, it wouldn't be the first time. Kamara 98, GBH (convicted), elbow in the face. Just throwing it into the conversation and taking the opposite view to "Let football deal with it" Shearer. Football clearly doesn't deal with these things. Assault is assault. Although I remember the Kamara thing, I didn't realise how many successful prosecutions have been secured for on-pitch violence.
If it did, it wouldn't be the first time. Kamara 98, GBH (convicted), elbow in the face. Just throwing it into the conversation and taking the opposite view to "Let football deal with it" Shearer. Football clearly doesn't deal with these things. Assault is assault. Although I remember the Kamara thing, I didn't realise how many successful prosecutions have been secured for on-pitch violence.
Shearer would say that after getting away with stamping on Neil Lennon's head.
Talksport callers who can articulately back up their arguments and get the better of one-dimensional presenters are quickly switched off "Sorry, we've lost Cuthbert there...." Alternatively, they'll say (as per Ray Houghton) "You haven't played the game......"
Yip it’s like a closed shop,you summed it perfectly there at the end “you haven’t played the game” houghton made a comment today after one of the presenters had mentioned a journalist had tweeted or whatever that the tackle on De Bruyne should be looked into houghton pipes up “ he got a yellow the ref dealt with it “ what a fucking bellend ...
Kane, Alli, Murphy and Puncheon all commit clear red card offences against us, yet none of them get punished. It's a fucking joke, and clearly instruction from the top.
Usually i put this stuff down to "it evens it's self out over a season". It has become to much now, i found myself wanting players to pass quick before Palace players got close enough to do owt. It was not the first match it has been like this either this season.

Gundogan nearly got his leg snapped last week and nothing came of it. The player who studded the inside of his leg should have been retrospectively banned for 5 matches. It would soon stop but English football is fucking useless with no stomach to do anything besides sit on their (rule makers) fat arse.

There are a few of these coming in each game and it has been blind luck we have not been cleaned out like today earlier.

Look at the respect campaign 2 seasons ago, after the first 3 matches it was forgotten about and Rooney was back to screaming in refs faces with nothing more said or done about it, as i said, fucking useless.

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