Playing sport as you get older

57 loads of historical injuries. Went to see a gait specialist who sorted me with orthotics and invested in proper footwear. Managing golf, footy, tennis and badminton but not all in same week. Look after your feet!

Oh and stretching, particularly glutes seem to affect everything so pilates or yoga
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I still play six or seven a-side most weekends, and workout in my gym on average three to four times a week, usually 30-40 min sessions, all weights really no cardio.

I’m early 50’s, but I don’t feel fit - I hate jogging! I’m toned though, with proper abs showing so feel good about myself for my age. Health just as important at my age, can’t eat junk food without putting on weight these days. Used to get away with a shocking diet up to my early 40s.
On the treadmill do 10 minutes on an incline of 12 and at a speed of 5, its a game changer if you do it on every gym session.
I avoid that scenario like the plague.
No sense being embarrassed when your trying to keep fit.
I remember trying to show a younger player whose boss, ..closed him down on the ball, he pushed it ahead of him,down the wing to my mind that was a loose ball,he started accelerating away, I turned on the afterburners......and tweaked me hamstring in full flight...out for 4 weeks .
Never again.
I still keep up, its hard mentally though as you still think your 21 in mind but not body :)
If you want to prolong playing social yet competitive sport into your 50's i'd recommend beach volleyball. Playing on sand is much more forgiving on your joints than hard surfaces. I took it up in my late 40's after having to give up on football (too knackering) and cricket (too time consuming). There's a few 60 plus year olds still playing at a very decent level at the club I play at (in Brighton). Finding sand courts and the playing infrastructure can be a challenge, although there are facilities springing up all over the country. But you can always just buy a net and court lines online and set up on any flat bit of sand.

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