Playing sport as you get older

Started running 4 years ago (aged 58). Never taken part in any sporting activity for about 30 years.

Have completed 2 half marathons and numerous 10k. Try to get out 3 times a week (even if only 2.5 miles).

Never going to be fast or win any races but it's done wonders for my physical and mental health
I've ran ever since I can remember really, and especially since I started to play Sunday morning footy ...I quickly realised I was never gonna be a great player,so decided to increase stamina by running.For years 10,20,40 min runs, often early morning ,when I could hear the birds..

That effort made me able to play left midfield for years with bags of energy, up and down the left wing, I could run for almost 90 mins non stop in my 20s. Often put in lung busting runs from deep ,inspired by Ian brightwell ..late 80s , and..if I'm honest Terry McDermott and Ray Kennedy before ..easiest way to turn up iunmarked in the box was the late run ,Martin Peters style..

I found running quite boring the, but I knew the time I put in would benefit me on the football pitch.
having cut down my footy to once a week now,, I'd run only short distances ,with sprinting up slight inclines in a circuit training sort of thing.I do love that ,out in nature.repetitive ,sometimes 6 10 or 20 circuits mimic the change of pace of a six a side footy game.

I know if I stopped running ,it would be the end of Football playing,and I'm not quite ready to hang up the boots yet.
The beneficial effects of running are what keeps me going,fitness stamina mental health,outdoors in nature etc...but most of all the ability to contribute, at my age to a good standard 6 a side game between over 50s veterans.
Not sure where id be without it tbh.
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I've ran ever since I can remember really, and especially since I started to play Sunday morning footy ...I quickly realised I was never gonna be a great player,so decided to increase stamina by running.For years 10,20,40 min runs, often early morning ,when I could hear the birds..

That effort made me able to play left midfield for years with bags of energy, up and down the left wing, I could run for almost 90 mins non stop in my 20s. Often put in lung busting runs from deep ,inspired by Ian brightwell ..late 80s , and..if I'm honest Terry McDermott and Ray Kennedy before ..easiest way to turn up iunmarked in the box was the late run ,Martin Peters style..

I found running quite boring the, but I knew the time I put in would benefit me on the football pitch.
having cut down my footy to once a week now,, I'd run only short distances ,with sprinting up slight inclines in a circuit training sort of thing.I do love that ,out in nature.repetitive ,sometimes 6 10 or 20 circuits mimic the change of pace of a six a side footy game.

I know if I stopped running ,it would be the end of Football playing,and I'm not quite ready to hang up the boots yet.
The beneficial effects of running are what keeps me going,fitness stamina mental health,outdoors in nature etc...but most of all the ability to contribute, at my age to a good standard 6 a side game between over 50s veterans.
Not sure where id be without it tbh.
Try playing 8 a side against 25 year olds when you're 60 :)
I still play six or seven a-side most weekends, and workout in my gym on average three to four times a week, usually 30-40 min sessions, all weights really no cardio.

I’m early 50’s, but I don’t feel fit - I hate jogging! I’m toned though, with proper abs showing so feel good about myself for my age. Health just as important at my age, can’t eat junk food without putting on weight these days. Used to get away with a shocking diet up to my early 40s.
I was pretty devastated when I stopped playing Sunday league football.

I'd love nothing more than putting on a pair of football boots again and playing a 90 minute game of football on a grass pitch.

When you are young, fit, fast, and up for for a game of Sunday league football, even after a Saturday night out on the beer, you just take it for granted.

I'd love to turn back the clock and smash the ball into the onion bag again. :-)
Just remember one thing if you start up playing football again at an older age, you are probably not anything like as fit as you used to be.
I took up 5-a-side again in my late 40's, beforehand i kept saying to myself " take it easy, just pass it around, you're unfit " etc etc.
30 seconds in and i'm charging about like a ****, 10 mins in and i'm pleading to go in goals ha
I don't really know because I don't count but dog gets about 2 miles walk first thing in morning. If I'm at work I'm constantly walking back and forth from 9am. Then another walk with mutt after work. How many steps in a mile?
2,000 to 2,500 although John Inman style walking might be more.

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