Please help save Hyde United - collection at West Ham game

Even though a couple of my mates once had to scale the foodlight pylons at a Cheshire Senior Cup at Ewen Fields tie to escape aggro when supporting Alty-most likely instigated by them-Alty once one of my great loves-I will gladly stuff a few quid in a box supporting Hyde. Disgraceful what is threatened to them after what so many more have escaped with over the years. Unless there is a healthy grassroots game the culture of football suffers-never thought I'd say it but-CAN YOU HEAR THE TIGERS ROAR?-come on Blues get yer quids out.
Reading comments on this thread is absolutely fantastic and shows people do care about non league football.
A crowd in excess of 40,000 is expected tonight and if everyone can donate at least 50p this really will make a massive step to save Hyde United Football Club.

So please please please fill our buckets tonight at the match.
Can't be there tonight as I'm working and live too far away to get there after but have lent my season card to a friend and he's going to put our contribution in the buckets.

Money really does need to filter down to all levels of football from the top because this sort of thing should not be happening in our beautiful game!
Will donate at the game tonight!

Forgive my ignorance, how did the club end up in this state?
Played there a few times, always been a decent club. If a bucket comes within view tonight I will be donating, still think its a joke that the rags do not help as they used your ground for years but then again thats the rags for you.
There's four of us going tonight. You can count us all in.
Keep fighting - it's all down to being positive.
Taken From the Hyde United Forum

NIKE said:
Absolutely, City have been brilliant they didn't have to do this but, seeing as they have lets fill those buckets. Remember every pound counts.
It just goes to show that a team of Citys stature is still prepared to help.
What ever happens tonight and in the future a million thankyous from me and everyone at Hyde United.

Here Here, I never used to like Manchester City at all (Tottenahm Hotspur being my preferred "Top Club") but after this response and generosity they have found a place in my heart and will ever be "a local team" I look out for in future.

A million and one thank you's Manchester City
I will be putting a fiver of my hard earned in tonight, it's a shame the hyde are facing such turmoil with the millions that are floating about these days. I think it would be a nice touch if the club put in too given the links with us(our reserves used to play there I think), let's dig deep to save this great little club.
Hyde have supporters far and wide, in face as far down as here in Sydney — of the City crew down here is a Tigers boy from way back.

It's shit to see any team fold, so please put a couple of quid in for those Hyde boys.
May I just reiterate how sincerely thankful we are to you at City for giving us the opportunity to collect at your ground tonight. I hope it is a success for us off the pitch as it is for you on it.
I beleive that the collectors will be inside the turnstiles so if you can spare any money please give generously.
I will keep you informed on how this all pans out.
Once again Thankyou very much on behalf of myself and HYDE UNITED.

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