police will all be in riot gear

St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
citykev28 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Don't think so mate. ! Keep on hating because one day you will maybe need them!

keep on hating who? where did i even mention the police?

No you mentioned here I go again...So I presumed you meant my opinion on the boys in blue?
If not then why don't you explain

-- Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:25 pm --

Challenger1978 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Of fuck off-It's so easy to blame the police.I was at the Derby in April and it was the fucking moronic blues who started it. I suppose it justified the copper losing his sight in one eye. There are bad eggs in all walks of life and all jobs,just cos they are cops they get loads of shit.

Let's blame the cops for all the worlds problems eh...WTF.

Look fella I've seen coppers take back handers. I've seen coppers tax drug dealers and not arrests them. I've seen coppers throw someone in the back of the van drive up to woodhead pass kick the shit out of them and leave them there. I've seen coppers harass someone so badly for reporting them for being cunts. That they've had to sell multiple cars (kept getting pulled) and then there fucking house and move out of greater Manchester to get away from them.


That video sums up a typical copper for you in my experience they're a bunch of vile bastards.

Argh yes the copper who got done for assault and rightly so..Have I said he was right for doing that? No...Cops get prosecuted all the time so please don't give me that bollocks...Oh and by the way the lad on the deck happened to bite the copper before he got his head pushed into the concrete.As I said...2 sides to every story.

There you go...just for you...City fans being the aggressors....


Watch the video again there already smacking the crap out of him before he bites them they just get more viscous once he tries to defend himself.
Juan King said:
There are plenty of coppers who are OK & do a fine job, but the people who think the police can do no wrong are dangerously naive. There are some of them who are complete arsholes, who quite happily cause trouble & break the law themselves.

Some people seem to think you only can get in trouble if you deserve it, if only the world worked this way.

To suggest all police are bad is stupid, but to suggest no police are bad is equally stupid.

Exactly my point..As I said,there are bad eggs in all walks of life including the cops etc. But I would say 95% are good people who do a good job.<br /><br />-- Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:34 pm --<br /><br />
Challenger1978 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
citykev28 said:
keep on hating who? where did i even mention the police?

No you mentioned here I go again...So I presumed you meant my opinion on the boys in blue?
If not then why don't you explain

-- Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:25 pm --

Challenger1978 said:
Look fella I've seen coppers take back handers. I've seen coppers tax drug dealers and not arrests them. I've seen coppers throw someone in the back of the van drive up to woodhead pass kick the shit out of them and leave them there. I've seen coppers harass someone so badly for reporting them for being cunts. That they've had to sell multiple cars (kept getting pulled) and then there fucking house and move out of greater Manchester to get away from them.


That video sums up a typical copper for you in my experience they're a bunch of vile bastards.

Argh yes the copper who got done for assault and rightly so..Have I said he was right for doing that? No...Cops get prosecuted all the time so please don't give me that bollocks...Oh and by the way the lad on the deck happened to bite the copper before he got his head pushed into the concrete.As I said...2 sides to every story.

There you go...just for you...City fans being the aggressors....


Watch the video again there already smacking the crap out of him before he bites them they just get more viscous once he tries to defend himself.

I have watched it time and time again. I know what haoppened and the cops were wrong,I said to you they were,but what about the video of the city fans blinding a copper? Please justify that.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
dogblue said:
the old bill are normaly the trouble causers anyway ..... set of bullies just like the mibs

I will remind you of this you stupid prick when your house gets burgled,or your gran gets mugged. Who will be calling the cops then.

Grow up idiot!

sorry, i must have mis-read this post. i thought you'd called dogblue a stupid prick and an idiot.
SWP's back said:
marios stress ball said:
SWP's back said:
I do love a one sided 3rd hand story me.

Would you like me to make some extra bits up so it looks more realistic to you?
My mate asked the copper for a fight.

Do you like that now? Does that please you because it is slightly more believable in your brain? Shall I change the truth in other stories too to make them more believable for you?
You don't know the truth as you were not there and you are going off the word of some 15 year old scrote. It's not like someone ever changed a story (especially at such a tender age) to make themselves not look a **** is it.

I'm fine with my interpretation thanks.

I saw his black eye too if that helps? I also got hit from behind by a policeman too because i was near some rival fans. Both sets of fans were singing song, laughing and joking and the police treated it like a riot. I have nothing against police, I respect them, I know for a fact that a vast majority of them are nice people and are just like any man on the street if it wasn't for the uniform. I even wanted to be a policeman until I realised it meant standing outside the ground on match days and missing the games. So don't think I'm some kind of criminal who's had a run in with the police and I just generalise them all.

I know for a fact though that some police treat football fans like shit for no reason at all. I'm sure fans on here can give a few examples.

Also, why do you call him a scrote? You don't know him, "you weren't there", you've never fucking met him. Is it because he's 15?? SNOB
Juan King said:
There are plenty of coppers who are OK & do a fine job, but the people who think the police can do no wrong are dangerously naive. There are some of them who are complete arsholes, who quite happily cause trouble & break the law themselves.

Some people seem to think you only can get in trouble if you deserve it, if only the world worked this way.

To suggest all police are bad is stupid, but to suggest no police are bad is equally stupid.
That point has been made and ignored by me and St Helen's blue.

The problem is human beings. Some are cunts. We have loads of them on this forum. I had a bad do with some fat copper at the Utd away CC semi. But I don't tar them all the same though.
citykev28 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
dogblue said:
the old bill are normaly the trouble causers anyway ..... set of bullies just like the mibs

I will remind you of this you stupid prick when your house gets burgled,or your gran gets mugged. Who will be calling the cops then.

Grow up idiot!

sorry, i must have mis-read this post. i thought you'd called dogblue a stupid prick and an idiot.

Are you a mod...? No...Please don't tell me what to say on here. Or are you the blue moon police? Stop being so sensitive,If you don't like it then I apologise but calling someone a prick is hardly the worst thing in the world<br /><br />-- Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:40 pm --<br /><br />
SWP's back said:
Juan King said:
There are plenty of coppers who are OK & do a fine job, but the people who think the police can do no wrong are dangerously naive. There are some of them who are complete arsholes, who quite happily cause trouble & break the law themselves.

Some people seem to think you only can get in trouble if you deserve it, if only the world worked this way.

To suggest all police are bad is stupid, but to suggest no police are bad is equally stupid.
That point has been made and ignored by me and St Helen's blue.

The problem is human beings. Some are cunts. We have loads of them on this forum. I had a bad do with some fat copper at the Utd away CC semi. But I don't tar them all the same though.

swp - ever heard the saying...There are none so blind that don't want to see.

Half the clowns on here are like that...We both agree there are bad cops but there are also some right cnuts in life......It's ludicrous some of the comments on here...A cop did this,my mate got this off a copper blah bblah blah.
marios stress ball said:
I saw his black eye too if that helps?
Also, why do you call him a scrote? You don't know him, "you weren't there", you've never fucking met him. Is it because he's 15?? SNOB
His black eye confirms nothing other than he was lamped. You don't know he wasn't being mouthy.

And it wouldn't be snob. It would be ageist. I bet he is a scrote though.
SWP's back said:
marios stress ball said:
I saw his black eye too if that helps?
Also, why do you call him a scrote? You don't know him, "you weren't there", you've never fucking met him. Is it because he's 15?? SNOB
His black eye confirms nothing other than he was lamped. You don't know he wasn't being mouthy.

And it wouldn't be snob. It would be ageist. I bet he is a scrote though.

And I wonder how many on here were involved in the riots in Manchester..Would be interesting.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
citykev28 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
I will remind you of this you stupid prick when your house gets burgled,or your gran gets mugged. Who will be calling the cops then.

Grow up idiot!

sorry, i must have mis-read this post. i thought you'd called dogblue a stupid prick and an idiot.

Are you a mod...? No...Please don't tell me what to say on here. Or are you the blue moon police? Stop being so sensitive,If you don't like it then I apologise but calling someone a prick is hardly the worst thing in the world

but you're ok telling me what to say? i'm not insulted by the word prick at all but you've just been proved wrong but you'll never admit it.

i understand that you've probably had a military background but some people haven't and just because they disagree with you, doesn't mean they are wrong. i think you should have spent some time with your fellow dippers last night and took their advice - "calm down"
citykev28 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
citykev28 said:
sorry, i must have mis-read this post. i thought you'd called dogblue a stupid prick and an idiot.

Are you a mod...? No...Please don't tell me what to say on here. Or are you the blue moon police? Stop being so sensitive,If you don't like it then I apologise but calling someone a prick is hardly the worst thing in the world

but you're ok telling me what to say? i'm not insulted by the word prick at all but you've just been proved wrong but you'll never admit it.

i understand that you've probably had a military background but some people haven't and just because they disagree with you, doesn't mean they are wrong. i think you should have spent some time with your fellow dippers last night and took their advice - "calm down"

pmsl at that one...Fellow dippers...Yep thats me a manc living in St Helens...Oh shit sorry,I am not allowed to be a blue am I as I don't live within 5 miles of the Etihad.. Yes I had a military background but that was many moons ago. Got nowt to do with the fact that there are some right cunts in life (ALSO IN THE COPS)-Please note! however for some on here to say ALL cops are bent is just hilarious. So are you going to say all blues are 100% top lads?

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