police will all be in riot gear

A member of my family was police,used to do the footie for the overtime. Always wore his oldest uniform because it got covered in spit. Did set him against supporters a bit.

Bit off topic but when it was changed from a police service to a police force policing did seem to become more confrontational. Wearing riot gear creates even greater barriers but if it was me,my saftey first.
This big guy that I knew got into a bit of bother with the police. It turned out that they were harassing him so bad he ended up in a bit of a stand off with them.

Anyway Gazza of all people turned up with a Chinese and a few cans and the fuckers wouldn't even let him deliver them. True story, no wonder he hated the police, absolute bastards.
Will it be the normal police in riot gear, or the TAG(?), the proper riot police. Hate those bastards, in my experience nasty hard bastards who love a confrontation, and from what I hear even your regular bobby avoid them at all costs.

Did anyone see that programme 'Coppers' a year or so back?
Had an incident with the riot squad years ago at Bolton's Reebok ground. Mate (Bolton season ticket holder) had got me and two of his City work mates tickets in their mad section (near the City end) anyway we were soon sussed and it was getting very lively, this girl in front of us stood up and turned round and was shouting these are f**k**g City fans and carried on until she was ejected. Course this really wound em up so the two lads said were going for a drink you coming I decided to stay and then Mark Kennedy scores and it goes off big time. I took a good hiding and was dragged out of my seat, being kicked and punched down steps then a gate opens and I was launched out. When I picked myself up shocked and dazed I realised I was facing a full riot squad who then ran over to me and one of them raised his visor and said to me if you f**k**g smile I'm gonna kick your f**k***g head in, real nasty piece of work. Course I shouldn't have been in there my mate who got the tickets was in another section if he had been sat with us we probably would have been ok. He has been to Maine Road with me and sat in Platt Lane and Main stand with no hassle.
were only allowed 2 alcoholic drinks per transaction in the ground. the fucking queues will be huge
bluebannana said:
can only see this antagonising more people to fight tbh

Not really, knob heads will be knob heads regardless of what the police come as......

If the police were to dress as french maids everyone wouldn't start shagging eachother or start a bit of spring cleaning around the streets of Manchester.....
Pam said:
They should make the rag twatzoids to come in coaches as a condition of entry. Apparently there is recent precedence for this. Might have been the Portsmouth V Southamption game.

Then they should be kept in for an hour and a half (at least) after the final whistle and we must play a Rick Astley song over and over at deafining volume(if we lose) and Blue Moon alternating with the "This is what it's like to be City" song they used to love if we win. Their ears should bleed.

This happened in the 09/10 season when Burnley played Blackburn, you weren't allowed in Deadwood unless you were on official club transport. On the face of things it's a good crowd control idea but a logistical nightmare for the police. These things sort of put fans off from going. Being escorted into the ground 2 hours before and not leaving until two hours afterwards is a nightmare if you lose, though would be fucking brilliant to put the rags through that audio torture!
Skashion said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
And so the we hate the police thread continues....Fucking hilarious. PMSL.
Yes, some people don't like them. Get over it.

Why is that...? Because they arrest people who break the law. I know...Lets not have a police ofrce hey so all the cunts can do what they want!!!

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