Policing in America

A Dibleyism in the wild, equating some poor woman being shot in the head with some grifter being labelled a shit pundit.

Gloriously stupid.
Your argument would be that if the policeman had also shot a white person at some point that they couldn’t be labelled racist for shooting the black woman.

“They fire at everybody”.
Your argument would be that if the policeman had also shot a white person at some point that they couldn’t be labelled racist for shooting the black woman.

“They fire at everybody”.

Cool story, your opp just shit all over this thread with his bollocks and you're licking the wet patch he left.

As I said, fucking genius :)
Cool story, your opp just shit all over this thread with his bollocks and you're licking the wet patch he left.

As I said, fucking genius :)
Alternatively, you’re a racist, who finds it uncomfortable being labelled as such, so is trying to recalibrate what you want others to believe is racist.

It’s not subtle enough for me to label you a genius as it’s blatantly obvious.
Alternatively, you’re a racist, who finds it uncomfortable being labelled as such, so is trying to recalibrate what you want others to believe is racist.

It’s not subtle enough for me to label you a genius as it’s blatantly obvious.

I stated my opinion quite clearly on this thread Dibley, you're the one who made light of her shooting with your "Headshotted" friend.

I see you Dibley.
But that contradicts the entire country's "Defend your castle" argument.

Answer the door to a copper with a gun in your hand will have expected consequences, those consequences were evident.

Rightly or wrongly that's that.
There seems to be a lot of dislike for police officers in the USA.
Just like this country,there are some bad apples,they are not all the same.
Only difference is,the bad apples in the states have guns.
You misspelled most. It's not some. Most cops are trigger happy cowards who are getting revenge for being picked on when they were younger. That was told to me by one of my closest friends, a 26 year NYPD veteran, who saw for himself. He was one of the good ones, but there are so many more that are bad.

A good place to start would be if you can’t meet the US armies standards of ethics you shouldn’t be a cop. And that may still be too low of a bar….

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