i reckon £19,344 is 42 hours a week on minimum wage.I thought that was the whole point. Force employers to pay a decent wage rather than relying on cheap labour from Eastern Europe.
Who's going to pay? People paying privately for care home care are already subsidising those paid by local authorities. Local authorities can't pay more because the Tories are still cutting grants, and the demand is ever growing.
Who's willing to pay more tax to fund care? Is this electorate which has voted in this government that hates local democracy and hasn't even refunded all the councils' Covid costs? Did people vote Leave to pay Brits more to induce them to work in care homes and pick fruit and serve in Pret?
This isn't really a Brexit issue - it's an immigration issue. (Oh, wait - there might be some connection.)
Anyway, from the Competition and Market Authority:
"The current model of service provision cannot be sustained without additional public funding; the parts of the industry that supply primarily local authority (LA)-funded residents are unlikely to be sustainable at the current rates LAs pay. Significant reforms are needed to enable the sector to grow to meet the expected substantial increase in care needs."
We've been waiting ten years for the Tories to come up with any proposal for reform.
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