Any potential market we trade with depends on how closely we align but it’s the UK’s decision to align or not, it’s not a rule or law we’re taking from a parliament in another countryOh heavens. Tell that to an exporter that is now subject to 100 times the red tape they had before.
what Rules are we capable of making now mate, in our isolated trade world? Maybe we should be self sufficient? Oh sorry, we have cut off our main manual worker supply line.
We are well and truly fucked. Fucked by COVID, fucked by brexit, fucked by the cretins some voted in as our ‘government’.
Anyway, I can see this part of this website is a complete echo chamber and anyone who dares question anything, even if they didn’t vote leave, is hounded.
The funny thing is I haven’t even said Brexit was the right thing to do or a good idea and you’re all foaming at the mouth.
I suppose this is what the internet is like and I cannot be arsed wasting my time.