Post match City v PSG

Still in his pocket this morning ..........


Good Photoshop.
Wonder where those PSG fans that signed him prior to the first leg are, not so arrogant (I'd call it deluded) now.

Here I am :-D
But... because there is a but
real PSG fans (I'm speaking about people who watch more than 1 match a month or really keep track of football and not only during Euro or WC), so real PSG fan's didn't think it will be an easy game (look at my previous posts they are not over confident, far from that). May be because

-when you love football you know :

1 there is no easy match (especially in UFCL 1/4 finals)
2 everything is possible in football (proof, Clichy and Sagna made a good match yesterday;-) )
3 you should never underestimate any opponent (especially when you're PSG)

-when you love PSG you know :
1 you have top players
2 you're on the way to become a "big club" but only half the way
3 you have a limited coach
4 this coach had already burned out under pressure (Those Who Know remember France-Spain in euro 2012)
5 you have a limited coach (already said? but he is really limited)
6 your coaching could cost you the win

At the draw, I first thought it was a good draw but may be not for the reasons you could imagine.

Barca would have been the worst, second reason is they are impressive and first reason is I'm fade up my team plays Chelsea Barça every year since 3 years.
Bayern, may be too strong for us in 2 legs
Real, why not? We were unlucky but played well at Bernabeu
Wolfsburg, Benfica? the typical trap for us, overconfidence for a sure bad result.
City… well, for me it was a good draw because we were the same level ("on the paper") so this game should have forced us to play seriously and show our best football. Didn't happen, so sad.

I know I'm squatting your forum but it's my only way to smell the semis...
managed to find a download link for the game, so can watch it again from comfort of my bed 2night, i must invest in a hard drive recorder at some point

when you love football you know :

When you are head and shoulders above the rest in a less than average league you develop an arrogance that you are invincible.

However, when you come up against a team who play at a very competitive level in a high intensity league week in and week out you get shown up for what you really are: an above average team on the elite European stage.

when you love football you know :

When you are head and shoulders above the rest in a less than average league you develop an arrogance that you are invincible.

Bayern you mean ? ;-)

ORHowever, when you come up against a team who play at a ver competitive level in a high intensity league week in and week out you get shown up for what you really are: an above average team on the elite European stage.

True, I can t completly disagree with you but don t believe psg fans aren t aware ligue 1 is not very competitive ( especially in 2015/2016) We know that and we did some true good matchs against european top team. Real this year, chelsea last 2 year and barca before. City could have been underestimated by some ( newbies, mainstream press and some players certainly) but not by those who really care about football.

In my opinion, when you are head and shoulders above... you should use this supremacy to try tactical options so you wont surprised your own team with a weird 3-5-2 (5-3-2) never user before. More than the lack of opposition we suffer from our coach average level.

when you love football you know :

When you are head and shoulders above the rest in a less than average league you develop an arrogance that you are invincible.

However, when you come up against a team who play at a very competitive level in a high intensity league week in and week out you get shown up for what you really are: an above average team on the elite European stage.

hang on a minute this is starting to get raggish
Anybody got a still of that brilliant picture, (Shown on ITV's highlights package last night) where Kev & Kun have their arms around the back of each other's shoulders, smiling like Cheshire cats, at the end of the game?

If Carlsberg did screensavers....
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